Friday, March 30, 2007

The Law of Attraction, Part 3

Your intention is sufficient to create, attract, and invite. Once you
realize this law, you can choose to react in one of two ways. You can
either see yourself as a victim of your own limited and fearful
thinking, or you can celebrate the knowledge that you can have
whatever you want and that you indeed have all the power you need to
create it. This knowledge is a great source of freedom, for you no
longer need to look outside yourself for that which you desire. No
longer do you need to seek permission, either consciously or
subconsciously, because knowing that the four principles are part of
who you are, you can surely know that there is no higher authority in
your life than you. You are it! The buck stops with you. In fact, it
begins there, too. You are the sculptor, and your life is your
sculpture. You are the artist, and your life is your canvas. You are
the playwright, and your life is your script. So what scene are you
going to write for yourself next? Everything you have in your life can
be traced back to an idea or belief. This applies equally to those
things you consider to be positive and those you consider to be
negative. In truth, there is no positive or negative, right or wrong,
good or bad. There is only experience. Your primary motivation for
coming to this planet was to master the experience of life on Earth.
Therefore, all experience is valid. It is your interpretation of the
experience that makes for happiness, or otherwise. You can choose to
see yourself as a victim of circumstances or you can choose to reframe
the negative into the positive and learn from your creations. As you
begin to learn from your creations, you begin to define more clearly
what you want, and as you do this, you begin to focus more clearly on
your goals and desires. Then that which you long for begins to come
into your life much more rapidly, because your attention has shifted
away from that which you do not want towards that which you do want.

technorati tags: law of attraction ,law attraction ,abraham attraction basics law teachings

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Law of Attraction, part 2

The Law of Attraction states that everything draws to itself that
which is like itself. In other words, all things draw to themselves
that which is similar or identical. Energies of a similar nature will
always be drawn towards each other; that is the principle of
magnetism. All thought attracts, and thoughts attract other thoughts
of a similar nature until they begin to compound and gather momentum,
eventually leading to the manifestation of something very 'real' in
your experience. You are using the Law of Attraction all of the time.
There is not one moment when you are not using this law. It does not
need for you to be conscious of it in order for you to experience its
results. Every experience, every object, every person in your life is
present in your life because you have drawn them into your experience.
There are no exceptions to this rule, no chance meetings, no
coincidences, no accidents, no divine intervention, no external forces
stopping you from having what you want, and no one rewarding you. Your
experience is all created by you, you are responsible for all of it,
not just some of it, or most of it, but all of it. We hear you say,
"But I did not want this circumstance to come into my life." And we
would agree that there are many things that you would indeed not
purposefully invite into your life. Once you come to understand the
Law of Attraction, you will begin to understand that whatever you
direct your attention to is invited into your experience. You will
also begin to know that there is no difference between negative
attention and positive attention.

technorati tags: law of attraction ,law attraction ,abraham attraction basics law teachings ,spiritual healing ,secret of law of attraction

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The Law of Attraction, part 1

Subject: The Law of Attraction

Excerpt from:
The Four Principles of Creation
by John L. Payne

Can you tell us more about the Law of Attraction?

We have already shared with you that you are the physical extension of
a non-physical being, and as such you are tapped into the same pure
God force energy that creates worlds. The Four Principles of Creation
are qualities that are a part of you, but at the same time they are
qualities that you inherently strive towards. The reason for your
striving is that you have forgotten that you are a soul having a human
experience, and instead hold the illusion that you are only the you
that you experience on the Earth plane. The greater part of yourself,
your Inner Being, your soul, has prescribed an intention to master
Earth life. Mastering the Earth experience entails moving beyond fear
and living an abundant life of great joy.

Thought is the basis of all creation. Everything was thought into
existence. Even those physical things made by others were first born
in thought before they became matter. The fourth principle is the
principle of creativity. You are the creator of your experience, and
it is your thinking that creates how you experience life. Energy
follows thought, and matter is energy condensed. Therefore, everything
in the world of matter is a result of thought. Your entire world, the
world you see as being real and very alive, is energy that has been
condensed into form by thought. It is as real as you wish to make it.
Collectively, humanity and others species have created this reality,
this dimension of existence, in order to create another unique
experience. This is the experience you call Earth. Each and every one
of you has the power to create whatever it is that you are wanting
through what you are thinking. All energy follows thought, and as
matter is energy, it too will follow thought. The speed at which
things follow thought on the Earth plane depends on your focus, skill,
and practice. It does not matter how many negative thoughts you may
have had in the past; it is the thoughts you are thinking right now
that have the power.
technorati tags: law of attraction ,law attraction ,abraham attraction basics law teachings ,spiritual healing ,secret of law of attraction

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Part Nine: Where has all the Magic Gone?

Coming to understand that "I am" is the engine of creation has worked
wonders in my life. When I began to pay attention to what I was
thinking and saying about myself and my circumstances, it shocked me.
It didn't take long to draw parallels from these thoughts to my
circumstances in life. So, I thought long and hard about the person I
wanted to be and the characteristics that I wanted to display. And I
began saying them in the "I am" context during my morning meditations.
I am compassionate, I am creative, I am understanding, I am patient, I
am in a job that allows me to be free. These ideas of myself became
ingrained in me and I started finding myself displaying these
characteristics in life. And then I really believed that I was these
things because well, I was. I saw it, I experienced it. And,
like an engine that continues to produce, my life began to flow from
these "I am" statements.

If you continue to make the effort to eliminate the negative beliefs
from your self-definition and consciously, purposefully empower
yourself with positive "I am" statements, you will see real magic come
into your world. I promise. "I am" statements, when they are really
believed and acted upon, can change your entire life. You can create a
new career for yourself, meet the perfect person, establish the
perfect relationship, get the best job, or whatever it is you truly

Now, that's what I call magic.

technorati tags: law of attraction, abraham, imagination, esther hicks, neville goddard, neville, lazy way to success, creativity, tom robbins

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Part Eight: Where has all the Magic Gone?

Try it. Look out into the room and try to will something, anything, to
magically appear before you. You know, somewhere down deep in your
mind, that it wont really work. Right?

Well, I'm just like you. While I believe that someday in the
distant future humankind will be able to control their physical
universe, I don't believe that Ill ever be able to do
it. And so I wont.

But I do believe that a different kind of magic can be readily
performed in our lives. We may not be able to twitch our noses and
make things appear, but we can consciously, purposefully, "magically"
create the circumstances that we want to experience in our lives. And
we do this by our self-definition. Self-definition comes from the most
powerful tool each person holds" the phrase "I am."

The phrase "I am" is so powerful because it sets the creative process
in motion. "I am" is the engine of creation. It is pure belief
reacting with the energetic field of potentiality that results in
physical manifestation. Each one of us designs himself or herself by
the "I am" thought. When you think or say the phrase "I am," you will
experience whatever comes after that phrase. I cringe when I hear
people say things like, "I am so stupid!" or "I am so ugly." For you
own sake, catch yourself when these things pop into your mind. Relax.
Then restate your thought. Think, "I feel stupid right now, but I know
I'm not. I am an intelligent person that just made a mistake."

technorati tags: law of attraction, abraham, imagination, esther hicks, neville goddard, neville, lazy way to success, creativity, tom robbins

Friday, March 23, 2007

Part Seven: Where has all the Magic Gone?

When I say, "a thought rooted in truth" I am talking about belief.
Belief is defined in the American Heritage Dictionary as "the mental
acceptance of truth."

Think back to how magic was performed throughout history. Incantations
were chanted, spells were cast, elaborate potions were mixed. In
Jesus' case, prayers were said. Logically, we all know that
combining a list of disparate, and many times disgusting, things in a
big pot creates only a mess. So what created the magic? It was the
pure belief the person had in what they were doing. In other words,
if they were truly convinced that chanting the incantation, or saying
the spell, or prayer, or mixing the potion would produce the desired
effect, then it would. Jesus was able to feed five thousand people
with only two fish and five loaves of bread because he believed so
strongly, down in the very fiber of his being, that God would somehow
make it happen.

The ironic thing is that we are all magic, we are all creating our
circumstances at all times. And we do this through the beliefs we
hold. What we consider magic (creating something out of thin air,
levitating objects, instantly traveling from one place to another
without passing through the space between) is impossible for the
common person because we don't believe it to be possible. And
no matter how hard we try to convince ourselves that we can make an
object appear out of thin air, there is still a part of our mind that
does not believe it will really work. And that belief is the force
creating the experience and the reason nothing appears in front of

technorati tags: law of attraction, abraham, imagination, esther hicks, neville goddard, neville, lazy way to success, creativity, tom robbins

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Part Six: Where has all the Magic Gone?

So what does this all have to do with magic?


My belief is that magic is simply the manipulation of this fundamental
energy of the universe. Lets use computer programs again as an
example. A computer program, at its fundamental level, is binary code
(ones and zeros). To manipulate the computer program, we would use a
computer language, which, at its basic level, is binary code. So, to
manipulate the ones and zeros, we would use a different form of the
same ones and zeros.

Similarly, to manipulate the energy of the physical universe, we would
use a different form of that same energy thought.
That's right, I believe that humans have the capacity to use
the power of their thought to create exactly what they want. But not
just thought alone, it has to be a certain kind of thought. We
cant just sit around our living rooms and think ourselves into
millions of dollars. Believe me, I know. I've tried it. It
doesn't work that way because the universe responds only to
truth. The universe is, in fact, an expression of truth. So, it is
the thought rooted in truth that reacts with the energetic field of
potentiality to bring about manifestation.

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Part Five: Where has all the Magic Gone?

Have you ever looked at a fish and wondered if it knew that it was
swimming in water? A fish, especially a deep-sea fish, cannot
comprehend the concept of water. It is too uniformly immersed in the
water to detect its presence. As human beings, we are really no
different. We do not see the field of energy that our universe is
immersed in. Scientists call this the Zero Point Energy Field.
Everything in our universe, including the air we breathe and the light
we see, is made up of energy. Underlying the universe as we know it is
an energetic field from which all things seen and unseen spring. Yet
we are completely oblivious to this field of potentiality.

Physical matter is only one aspect of energy. Science has also shown
us that the activities of the human mind is also energy. The brain is
an electronic organ running at a certain electronic frequency. When I
say that the brain is electronic, I mean that it is electrically
powered and electricity generating. The brain is composed of an
estimated 100 billion neurons, each one producing and transmitting
electrical impulses resulting in an unimaginably complex electronic
network. The result of neurons transmitting electrical impulses
throughout a subset of the network is a thought. So, thought is also
energy. It is the same energy that makes up matter, just arranged in a
different pattern, reverberating in a different frequency.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Part Four: Where has all the Magic Gone?

With science, we have found that everything physical is made up of
energy. Everything in the physical world, including the air we
breathe, is made up of atoms, which are made up of sub atomic
particles, which are really just packets of energy. This one basic,
fundamental energy combines in specific arrangements to create
infinite forms of matter much like binary code, ones and zeros,
arranged in specific patterns create an unlimited amount of computer
programs. Or, as another example, similar to the way twenty-six
letters forms the basis for a vast language.

The fact is, at its most basic level, the human body is no different
than a rock. Or a blade of grass. Or the martini we sip on after work.

Science has also discovered something phenomenal about our physical
universe. And that is the discovery of the Zero Point Energy Field, or
what many people call free energy. Zero Point Energy is the
fundamental energy field from which all physical matter springs. It is
the fabric of the universe from which all things are made. It is a
field of energy, of potentiality, ready to become molded into
physicality. It exists at every point of space, is everlasting, and
can never be destroyed nor consumed, only transformed.

The reality is that we all have access to this energy field. We are,
in fact, made of this energy from the Zero Point Field. So it seems
logical that we not only have access to it, but that we should be able
manipulate it consciously and purposefully. In other words, we should
be able to perform magic. Because if everything in the physical world
is made from this one basic energy, then magic is simply the
manipulation of that energy. Right? To make a computer program
"appear" out of thin air, I simply would arrange ones and zeros, which
already exist, into a specific pattern. Voila. Magic.

So how do we do it? How do we access the fundamental energy of the
universe and manipulate it for our purpose?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Part Three: Where has all the Magic Gone?

I think that down deep we, as a people, fear the idea of being made in
the image and likeness of God. I think we fear being of the same Being
as God. We fear being that drop of ocean. Because, really, if we are
just like God, something is really wrong here. Our world is chock full
of problems" misery, poverty, sickness, hate, destruction.
Granted, humanity has demonstrated wonderful things throughout
history, but has also demonstrated great horrors. Brutal, senseless,
evil horrors. So the thought of Man being one with God is a very scary
thing indeed. Somebody or something has got to be better and more
powerful than we are. Oddly, denying our own power is the only way we
can feel safe in this world.

Maybe we should give up the self-judgment and take Gods word
for it - we have power that we are not aware of. Or, since people have
historically demonstrated feats of magic, maybe I should say that we
were once aware of it but, over the years, our own logic has obscured
it from our consciousness.

It seems that at some point in time, we began to move away from the
idea of being magic, of having mental control over the physical world.
Religious leaders not only deemed it an evil ritual but also
persecuted those that attempted to practice their personal power. At
roughly the same time, people became more inquisitive of the workings
of the physical world and turned to the scientific method. We became
more and more logical, needing empirical evidence to back our beliefs.
Our pursuit of science took us further and further away from the
reality of humans performing magic but is now beginning to
take us closer and closer again.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Part Two: Where has all the Magic Gone?

Throughout history, magic has had a place in religion as well.
Christianity is no different, though no one really looks at
Christianity in this type of light. After all, wasn't it magic
when Jesus turned water into wine? Wasn't it magic when he fed
hundreds of people with several fish and a few loaves of bread?
Wasn't it magic when he walked on water? What else can you
really call it? Religious leaders don't call it magic, they
call it a miracle. If we define magic as the ability to have mental
control over the physical world, then a miracle is magic practiced by
God. But the religious leaders throughout our history have said that
only God can have this power. Normal people are not allowed to perform
these spectacular feats because it is blasphemous and offensive to
God. It is evil. Yet God never said that was the case. Contrarily, he
said the opposite" that man and God are one, that Man is made
in His exact image and likeness, that what He can do we can do. Much
like a drop of ocean is not the entire ocean, but is an individualized
portion of the ocean and has the exact same attributes. And even
though God has given us this message throughout the ages, Man
disagrees. It is Man that has said that magic is glorious when God
performs it, but evil when Man performs it.

So why would we turn away from a power that we desperately want and
are told that we have?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Part One: Where Has the Magic Gone?

"We all accept the reality with
which we are presented."
The Truman Show

Part One: Where Has the Magic Gone?
-Jeff Thornton

The overwhelming success of the Harry Potter books and the recent
release of the movie, to which people are flocking in droves, has
gotten me thinking about society's fascination with magic. Of
course, Harry Potter is just the latest entertainment success playing
on the magical theme. There have been many others, surely more than I
know. The Jedi Knights of Star Wars performed a type of magic by
working with the Force and we all know how popular Star Wars was and
still remains. I Dream of Jeanie, Bewitched, and Sabrina the Teenage
Witch all gained huge success on television. Magic is an integral part
of the Lord of the Rings novels, and has become a principal theme of
the fantasy genre as a whole.

So why do we love the idea of being able to snap our fingers, twitch
our noses, or blink our eyes and have whatever we want whenever we
want it? It's undeniably appealing.

These novels, movies, and television shows are so successful because
they demonstrate the type of power we all want. We'd all like
to be able to manifest things right out of thin air. We'd all
like to be able to move things with our minds. We all want to have
mental command of our physical world. And, strangely, it almost feels
like we should be able to do these wonderful things, "like it's
somehow our birthright." ( quotation marks mine!)

Certainly we are not the first culture to connect with the concept of
magic. Stories of people who could perform physically impossible feats
have traveled down through history to us. Magic was an integral part
of the history of the ancient Egyptians, the ancient Mesopotamians,
the Persians, Greeks, Druids, and Celts, not to mention the more
commonly known legends of medieval Europe.

Can these stories be just the whimsical fantasies of a people long
past, a people entrenched in a difficult life and just simply wishing
for the power to make it better? And is that why we love these stories
so much because we wish life could be easier for us? Or is
our emotional connection with the concept of magic an intuitive
feeling, a subconscious knowing, of what we, as humans, are actually
capable of being?

Monday, March 12, 2007

How to Allow For More in Your Life Right Away, Part 3

And now, here is the powerful way: Embrace that which you hate or fear, own it and accept it with self-honesty for you cannot change that which you avoid. This will reveal the secrets and gifts of that reality and show you insights you never saw when you were resisting. Also, automatically, this makes room for it’s opposite to manifest in your reality. You need do nothing for this to start happening. And as it starts, you will notice changes in your life outside and in your mind and emotions. The first change will be inner calm, followed by external changes. Notice these and move into them, giving them your attention, and making this reality grow. So now you will begin to be surrounded by the two realities, initially both at first. For example, if you were fighting against poverty and then embraced it, new insights would arise and you would know yourself as Who You Really Are in relation to poverty (you would discover that you are not a victim, you would free yourself from limiting ideas). Then, as you embrace that and drop the resistance you had to it, abundance will start to creep into your life automatically. Initially, they will be both the remnants of poverty manifesting in your reality, and the new reality. The more you embrace and allow, the better it get. Now, the most important thing: See and understand the connection between the two sides! How are they related in relation to you? You will start to see, for example, that you create realities. You will start to see the connections between your thoughts and emotions and specific ideas in you, and your out reality. This is how you get to grow into a more deliberate creator. By understanding the inherent order and simple perfection that lies amidst the apparent chaos and contradiction of the two seemingly opposite realities, you know yourself and the source of both sides! Thus you find yourself in the middle, the middle of the infinity symbol. And this is where the powerful way lies.

From then on, that aspect of life becomes effortless! Where have you heard this before? The rags to riches story! We have all heard of how people went through rather troubling times only to emerge at the other end with victory that we all wish we had! That person can be you, everyone, simply by letting life through. You gain control of your life by letting go of the need to control it, for you have no needs, just desires. And there goes another paradox of two seemingly opposite ideas, one which you can only understand fully by embracing and experiencing both sides so as to emerge in the middle, the point of power and understanding!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Pagan Journeys: Feng Shui the Witch Way

Pagan Journeys: Feng Shui the Witch Way

How to Allow For More in Your Life Right Away, Part 2

Life happens through you but never to you. This automatically means that you create your reality, consciously and unconsciously or even from your Higher Self, but only you create your reality.

Now think of something in your life that you are currently pushing against, resisting, perhaps even hating. Now we will first brush over the inefficient way of handling this. The inefficient way is one which we are all very familiar with, because we think it works! What we do is resist and fight against that which we don’t like. This is inefficient because, by universal law, what you resist persists. That is so because whatever you give your attention to grows. So if your mind and emotions are on that which you hate, you only expand it. And that is why the vast majority of humanity appears to be stuck in various struggles every now and then. These struggles are unnecessary. You do not get peace by hating and fighting against war; you get it by focusing on peace everywhere. If you don’t believe this, imagine what would happen in your family if you tried to attain peace by force or by keeping peace within your on self and with others. Which would be more effective? Now multiply that on a global scale.

So what is the efficient powerful way then? First, let us quickly define realities. You have the reality you are resisting, you have the opposite reality that you desire and are trying to get to, and then you have a third reality of creative power that you only get to when you embrace both of the first two realities. It is like having the coin’s head as one reality, the tail as another, and the whole coin and the spending power as the third.

Friday, March 9, 2007

How to Allow For More in Your Life Right Away, Part 1

How to Allow For More in Your Life Right Away
There is a simple but very powerful way in which you can allow for more successes in your life right away. It is a way in which there is nothing to do really, yet you create so many new changes and successes. The first time you try it, it will amaze you as though it were magic. How powerful it is!

So what is this powerful way? Before we answer that, think of a coin. A coin has a heads side and a tails side. Imagine that you hated the tails side of a coin and did everything you could not to ever see or be anywhere near the tail side of a coin. In other words you resisted it. What do you suppose is the natural outcome of that resistance? This is not a trick question. The answer is very simple. Simplicity is perfection. What would happen is that you would never see the heads side either, and so you would never see the whole coin. Of course! It is simply clear that you cannot have a coin with just one side. Resist one side, and you loose the other, and you end up with no coin. It is the same thing with a bird. Any one wing on its own is useless for flight, but both wings together make flight!

And now here is the simple but powerful way:

By universal law, embracing one side allows it’s opposite to manifest automatically.

That is it.

Before we look at this more clearly and powerfully, consider that life is composed of this and that, up and down, left and right, night and day, and so on. Look at the infinity sign. It is two sides joined in the middle, is it not? You find yourself in the middle, where you find the third reality, the powerful way we are talking about here. Let us see how.

The reality you see outside of you is composed of two sides, polarities, dualities. These two sides always appear to be opposites of each other, like poverty and wealth for example. Poverty and wealth look like two completely different realities, yet metaphysically they arise from the same Oneness. Have you ever shone white light into a prism? It splits up into the colors of the rainbow. And if you shine a rainbow spectrum into a prism it comes out of the other side as white light. That is how life moves through you from the nonphysical and shines out into your reality as seemingly opposite things.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

The Law of Attraction, Part 2

Therefore, to get or achieve something, match yourself with its vibration. How do you know what your vibration is? You know by what you feel. Your feelings are your indicator of your vibration. And your imagination, your thoughts, activates your feelings.

To get or achieve something, match yourself with its vibration. And your imagination, your thoughts, activates your feelings.

Let us see exactly how that is done. These steps can be expanded for more accuracy, but the following quick summary will get you started very well.

1. First, decide what your goal is. For this example, let us assume that your goal is to have a new car. Write that down. It is very important that you write it down, as that crystallizes your thoughts and gives a boost to the manifestation process.

2. Next, get some pictures that are similar to the end result of your goals. You will use these to help you imagine, visualize, and therefore match your vibration to your achieved goal and therefore make it happen. For example, if you wish to have a new car, get some pictures of the type of car you would like. You can get those free off the internet. If you know exactly which model of a car you would like, get pictures of that model.

3. Now it is time to program your conscious and subconscious mind, and your emotions, so that they all match your goal. In our new car example, take some quiet time to familiarize yourself with how it would feel like to actually have this new car. First of all, clearly write down the features you would like in this new car. We shall call this the form. Now, even more importantly, write down the feelings you expect to get from this new car. Include feelings, sights, sounds, tastes, smells, and touch. Also write down the benefits you expect to get from this car, and the reasons why you desire this new car. We shall call this the essence.

4. In your mind, combine the form and the essence, and the pictures you collected. The idea is to familiarize your conscious and unconscious mind, and your emotions, with the total feelings of having achieved your goal already. Close your eyes and just imagine yourself at the point just after you achieve your goal. Run that movie in your mind’s eye, including all aspects of form and essence. Do this 10, 20 or even 100 times, as many as you feel is necessary until it feels natural to you. It should feel like the next natural step is for it to actually happen. Once you capture the totality of that feeling, you have got yourself a matching vibration to your goal.

5. Next, clear yourself of any vibrations that contradict your goal. You cannot achieve a goal if you vibrate against it. For example, a contrary vibration is disbelief or a feeling that you are not worthy or capable of achieving such a goal.

6. Once you have your matching vibration and have eliminated contradicting vibrations, you are done. Whenever you think of your goal, bring up the total feeling. Whenever a contrary feeling comes up, gently let it go (don’t engage it) and bring up the matching feeling.

7. Detach yourself from two things: time and form. The universe delivers by essence primarily. The feeling you put out, the essence, is what will come back. In other words, the solution that will be brought to you will bring you the essence you held when you were visualizing your goal. Sometimes that form may be the exact one you had in mind, sometimes it will be different. Just know two things; the universe always delivers, but in its infinite intelligence it delivers in the form most suitable to the essence it received. What does this mean to you? Well, for one, don’t insist that your new car will come through any particular sequence of steps, or from your income and savings, or from a particular shop, and so on. Don’t insist on the particular car (form). Don’t insist on the timing. You do not know what the most efficient delivery is. Your view is definitely more limited than that of the universe. Any insisting will only mess with the vibration (you will feel disappointed because you will have judged yourself so based on your insisting). Let go. Detach yourself from form and time. For certain, a form that accurately matches the essence you put out will be delivered to you. That is guaranteed. Let go, detach, as if it didn’t matter. Let go of that feeling of neediness.

8. Act when called upon. As you go about your life, certain things and people will come your way. This is the universe orchestrating a synchronicity of events that will lead to your goal being achieved. Stay present and alert. When these come, act upon them. Remember always to be detached. Act purely for the sake of acting, not insisting on a particular outcome. You will find yourself miraculously having achieved your goal, out of the blue, step by step, in a most amazing way that you could not possibly have planned for!

It is very true that you can have anything if you believe it. But remember, if you are having trouble finding your faith, simply look instead at the system, and you will see that faith is not even necessary, once you know that the system has been created by the Creator to work perfectly all the time, regardless. What you put in is what you get out. Your job, then, is simply not to think against yourself, and as long as you don’t think against yourself, all your desires will naturally manifest.

The Law of Attraction

This is the Law of Attraction. Scientifically, you may think of it as harmony, like in music. Sounds that are of a matching frequency and wavelength will resonate and create harmony. They build upon each other. In fact, they activate each other. When you strike a pitching fork when in a silent room, any object that would resonate with the sound coming from that tuning fork will begin to vibrate and hum in resonance! Do you see the science behind that? Like energy attracts and builds, unlike energy repels and destroys.

Ok, now let us look at something else. In the above example, it must have occurred to you that it is the vibration from the tuning fork that activated other objects in the room to vibrate as well. Vibration. That is the key. Everything in this universe is made of energy. In fact, it is not made of energy, it is energy. It is only your five senses that trick you into seeing forms. Forms are simply the brain’s interpretation of various energy activities. Now, all energy vibrates. You vibrate. In fact, you are like a giant transmitter and receiver, always sending out and receiving frequencies. That is why you hear a cheap radio crackle with interference when you walk near the antennae. So let us get that settled. You vibrate, and that vibration rate changes. For example, when you are happy, you vibrate faster and you feel lighter. And vice versa. In fact, everything becomes lighter as it increases its vibration (think of ice becoming water and then steam through the action of heating and thus raising vibration). So you vibrate and so does everything else.

So what? Simple. Let us quickly review.

1. Vibration is in everything, including you and the things you desire in your goals.

2. Like vibration matches, attracts, and builds. Unlike vibration repels and destroys.

3. This is a Universal Law that never once decides to act otherwise. You can call it the Law of Attraction. It is based on the scientific working of energy, the stuff we and everything else is.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Manifesting Reality: The Emerald Tablet

The Emerald Tablet, also known as Smaragdine Table, Tabula Smaragdina, or The Secret of Hermes, is an ancient text purporting to reveal the secret of the primordial substance and its transmutations. Its claims to be the work of Hermes Trismegistus ("Hermes the Thrice-Great"), a legendary Egyptian sage or god, variously identified with the Egyptian god Thoth and/or the Greek god Hermes. This short and cryptic text was highly regarded by European alchemists as the foundation of their art, in particular of its Hermetic tradition.
[edit] Newton's translation
One translation, by Isaac Newton, found among his alchemical papers:

1. Tis true without lying, certain & most true.
2. That which is below is like that which is above & that which is above is like that which is below to do the miracles of one only thing.
3. And as all things have been & arose from one by the meditation of one: so all things have their birth from this one thing by adaptation.
4. The Sun is its father, the moon its mother,
5. The wind hath carried it in its belly, the earth its nurse.
6. The father of all perfection in the whole world is here.
7. Its force or power is entire if it be converted into earth.
7a. Separate thou the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross sweetly with great industry.
8. It ascends from the earth to the heaven & again it desends to the earth and receives the force of things superior & inferior.
9. By this means you shall have the glory of the whole world & thereby all obscurity shall fly from you.
10. Its force is above all force, for it vanquishes every subtle thing & penetrates every solid thing.
11a. So was the world created.
12. From this are & do come admirable adaptations where of the means (or process) is here in this.
13. Hence I am called Hermes Trismegist, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.
14. That which I have said of the operation of the Sun is accomplished & ended.

Monday, March 5, 2007



"The Universe operates according to set laws and the co-creators need to be aware of those laws if they are to be successful in their efforts to consciously create their own reality. Keep you in mind; you are constantly creating your reality now albeit on an unconscious level. If you want to know what you think about the most, what you are emotional about and what you believe in strongly all you need to do is look at your life. Your currently reality is merely a reflection of what is occurring in your mind."

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Common Ground - March 2007, The Secret

Common Ground - March 2007:

"What if I told you that the universe not only responds to your thoughts, but rewards them? That’s The Secret that Prime Time Productions, an Australian media firm, has hit on. Through public relations, viral marketing and word of mouth, its multimedia paean to self-empowerment has become Down Under’s most successful cultural export since Crocodile Dundee. The DVD is a top seller on and the accompanying hardcover book has broken the New York Times bestseller list. Recently, Oprah gave The Secret her blessing. Entering the Vancouver Chapters store, the first thing I saw was an entire book display devoted to the video and book."

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