Tuesday, July 31, 2007

All Things Exist. part 3, Neville Goddard 05-24-1968

Now, I want to share an experience of a lady who wrote, saying: “About a year ago I was deeply concerned for my mother. While lying on my bed, I began to imagine her face radiantly happy, and hear her tell me she had never known such happiness before. As I listened, I heard my name whispered softly three times. “Startled, I raised myself off the pillow to see you standing in mid-air. Dressed in a gray suit, you smiled, raised your arms, and removed the eyes from your head. Then you came over and calling me brother, you pressed them into my eyes. Bending your head, I watched it grow transparent and enormous in size. Then I saw that every living thing in the universe was there. You straightened up, and as you did your head returned to its normal size. Again, raising your right hand, you took off the top of your head and handed it to me, where I saw the greenest of green grass growing there, and you vanished.”Yes, I called this lady brother advisedly, for regardless of the sex worn here, we are immortal brothers, all of us. So I say: “Go unto my brothers and say to them, ‘I have ascended unto my God and your God, unto my Father and your Father. It was over a year ago when I placed my eyes into her sockets and gave her sight. Now she has become the incurrent eyewitness. In her vision she saw a long table. A man dressed in the white robe of a judge, carrying a gavel in his hand, entered the room. Looking directly at her, the gavel hit the table and he said: “I pronounce you the incurrent eyewitness.” The word incurrent means, giving passage to a current that flows inward. This lady is now so conditioned that I can reveal all things to her so that she can know the truth of the statement: “All that you behold, though it appears without it is within, in your Imagination, of which this world of mortality is but a shadow.” She saw that every living thing was contained in my immortal head. Destroy the garment I now wear or anything in my world and I will reproduce it again, for my immortal head cannot be destroyed. Start now to practice what the Bible calls repentance, which is a radical change of attitude. No matter what it is, if it does not conform to your ideal change it by subjectively appropriating your goal. Remain faithful to it and no earthly power can keep you from attaining it. Go all out and walk on the water! Don’t be like Peter, whose understanding told him imagination didn’t make sense (symbolized as his feet), or you will drown in the sea of illusion. Imagination, speaking to his faith, said: “Peter, come,” and as Peter walked, he looked down to see how this was possible, and sank. My friend, who did not look down, walked on the water in the direction of his wish fulfilled - and it was. All of the Bible stories will be fulfilled literally on different levels of your being. You will experience them all, because you are Jesus Christ. Blake tells us so beautifully: “Desires and perceptions of Man, untaught by anything but organs of sense must be limited to objects of sense; therefore, God becomes Man that Man may become God.”

Monday, July 30, 2007

ALL THINGS EXIST, part 2, Neville Goddard 5-24-1968

Now a lady wrote, saying: “I found myself looking at an enormous building at the edge of a vast body of water where your classes were held. A man at my side asked: ‘How do the students get to the classes?’ Pointing to another student who was walking on the water towards her destination I answered: ‘That’s how it is done.’” “Unwilling to accept my answer the man said: ‘But how do you do it?’ and I confessed: ‘I have placed stones just below the water.’ Then the scene changed and I am with a friend who said: ‘I am pregnant.’ Shocked, because I knew she had no husband I asked: ‘By whom?’ and before she could answer, I awoke.

“Three nights later I found myself in a very large building containing a theater, where you were the one actor who was playing every part. As you assumed the role of the blind man, I realized there was no one to lead you, so I ran to help. As we walked, we came upon a young boy sound asleep. Then you said: ‘I told him to meditate and he has fallen asleep again.’

“The scene changed, and I am viewing paper decorations hanging above a door. I reached up to pull them down, when an enormous wind caught me and I felt as though I was borne in the arms of a very strong man and awoke saying, ‘I love thee, O Lord.’”

This marvelous series of dreams revealed much. This lady admitted crossing the water while walking on a solid foundation. Now the Bible is a parable from beginning to end, and water is the symbol of its psychological truth. The literal interpretation of a parable is solid as a rock. When the meaning behind the parable is discovered, the stone is rolled away and the water found. However if a little solid reality in this world is desired while playing with this psychological truth, it becomes stepping-stones below the water. Loving what is heard is not enough. One must be willing to go all out and walk on the water. Instead, feeling she must be practical as she was living in a world of reality where rent must be paid, food bought, and clothes purchased, she is unable to walk by faith at the present time.

Let me give you a definition that came to me concerning the word faith. Faith is the subjective appropriation of an objective hope. When my friend revised the first telephone conversation, he subjectively appropriated what he hoped would objectify for his friend. He remained faithful to his imaginal act, and confirmation came.

Do as my friend does, and you will experience the glorious sensation of walking on the water in your mystical world. In my own case I was pulled by a wonderful goose, the symbol of the Holy Spirit. Having lassoed him with a silver chain - the symbol of knowledge - he propelled me over this fabulous water. This is He who will lead you into all things, as recorded in the 14th chapter of the Book of John.

The lady saw the protean man when she saw me playing all the parts. As the dreamer of the dream, she has been impregnated by the one she spoke to when she awoke, saying: “I love thee, O Lord.” Mary did not know the name of the one who impregnated her, yet it was the same Lord, the same I AM.

In this lady’s dream she was so brutally honest with herself when the man insisted that she tell him how she crossed the water. She could have said she walked on the water. Instead she told him exactly how it was done, thereby admitting to herself that she has not gone all out and lived by the law, but has a little anchor on the side, in the event it doesn’t work.
In Barbados we have a saying: “I have a hind-claw,” meaning there is some money tucked away in the bank, a little income from the family, or something I can fall back on just in case. We have these beach crabs on the island that are almost impossible to catch. Running at top speed, the crab can run right over a precipice and disappear. If you followed him you would break your neck in the fall, but the crab has a hind-claw that stops his fall. He grabs the earth just below the surface, and there the crab can pause and get his breath before climbing back and entering the race again. I urge you not to have a hind-claw. Be for me or against me, but be one way or the other.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

ALL THINGS EXIST, part 1, Neville Goddard 5-24-1968

ALL THINGS EXIST, part 1, Neville Goddard 5-24-1968

“All that you behold, though it appears without, it is within, in your imagination of which this world of mortality is but a shadow.”
(William Blake)

The world of imagination is infinite and eternal, whereas the world of generation is finite and temporary. In that eternal world, the permanent realities of everything exist. Their reflections are here, cast in a glass called nature.

“The oak is cut down by the ax
And the lamb falls by the knife,
But their eternal forms exist forever,
And are renewed by the seed of contemplative thought.”
(William Blake)

The permanent realities of an extinct bird, animal, or fish, live! They can be resurrected and externalized by the seed of your contemplative thought, for everything lives within you!

This world of generation I call the world of Caesar should not be neglected, as it is an important aspect of reality, even though it is only a shadow. Scripture urges us to revise, to forgive, and change our thoughts, thereby changing the conditions of our life. This is how it is done.

A friend recently wrote saying: “Three weeks ago a friend called, saying he was afraid he was going to be fired. I instantly revised his call. Hearing his voice bubbling with excitement, he told me how he had been praised for his work and I felt the thrill of rejoicing with him. Today he came to my office and said the very words I heard in my imagination.
“This morning, while dressing I was thinking about an ad I was working on which carried the name of a very prominent man in San Francisco. As I ran the ad through my mind I said to myself, I want to put the word ‘Mister’ before his name. I did it and it felt right. I made a mental note to do it when I arrived at the office, and promptly dropped the thought. That afternoon the man called, asking that I insert ‘Mister’ before his name - not in the ad, but in a radio commercial where his name was used.”

Then my friend added this thought: “I stand in awe at the operation of this law. You asked about the little pig I saw. He was small, but fat, and the way I am stuffing him today, in no time at all he will be so large he will fill this room.

For those who are not familiar with this symbol, the pig is the symbol of Christ, the power and wisdom of God. Every time you exercise your imagination lovingly on behalf of another or yourself, you are feeding Jesus Christ. My friend is stuffing his pig, because every moment of time he is alert and putting this law into practice.

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Friday, July 27, 2007

More From : ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, Neville Goddard, 05-12-1969

" Say: "I am secure, I am wealthy, I am free." This may not be true based upon your senses, but I am simply asking you to say the words, for the moment you do you are subjectively appropriating security, wealth, and freedom. Reason will try to take these from you, so I ask you to play a little game with me. Go through the door and walk as though you are secure, wealthy, and free. Sleep this night as though it were true. If you do, you will not fall asleep seeing the world as you did last night, you will see it differently. If this morning someone gave you a check for $20,000 and you deposited it to your account, you would be $20,000richer, therefore you could not sleep tonight as you did before. Now, without waiting for someone to physically give you the money, go to bed as though it were true. Put Christ to the extreme test. If all things are possible to God and if all things are possible to the believer, can you believe? I am not saying you will succeed the first night, or even the second. Having been trained to accept only what your reason and senses dictate, you may find it difficult, almost impossible, to believe what you could believe - but you can!"

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, Neville Goddard, 05-12-1969

From: ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE, Neville Goddard 05-12-1969

" In the 9th chapter of the Book of Mark, it is said: "All things are possible to him who believes," and in the 19th chapter of the Book of Matthew we are told: "With God all things are possible." Here we see God equated with the believer."

" All things are possible to him who believes and "with God all things are possible." Here we see that God and the believer are one. When you leave here tonight, you expect to find your home where you left it. You will go to sleep there and believe you will wake up in your bed tomorrow morning. You believe you are clothed right now. I tell you: your capacity to believe is the human imagination, which is the only God. All imagination, you have restricted yourself by the body of sense and reason you wear. Reason says you are in this room, that you have a certain amount of money and can have no more unless you make a physical effort to get it. But you would wish you had more wouldn't you?

Assume your wish through the sense of feeling. That assumption, subjectively appropriated and believed to be true, is faith. Can you believe in its reality? Knowing all things are possible to him who believes, can you persuade yourself that, although your reason and senses deny it, your assumption will make it so? Blake, in his wonderful "Marriage of Heaven and Hell," said: "I dined with Isaiah and Ezekiel and asked: Does a strong persuasion that a thing is so, make it so? and Isaiah replied: All prophets believe it does, and in ages of imagination a firm persuasion moved mountains, but many today are not capable of a firm persuasion of anything." Everything here was once only a desire, believed. This building, the clothes you wear or the car you drive were first a desire, then believed into being."

" Yes, I believe there is a man named Neville. He may work for you to aid the fulfillment of your desire, if you believe you have it. Many men can and will come to aid you, even without knowing they are doing it, if you believe. You do not have to persuade others to help you; all you need do is believe you are what you want to be and then let the world (which is nothing more than yourself pushed out) go to work to make your assumption possible. I promise you: your desire will be fulfilled, for all things are possible to him who believes."

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Thursday, July 26, 2007

ALL THAT YOU BEHOLD, Neville Goddard 04-19-1969

From: ALL THAT YOU BEHOLD, Neville Goddard 04-19-1969

"All that you behold, though it appears without it is within, of which this world of mortality is but a shadow." If you will but enter a state in your imagination, and assume its truth, the outer world will respond to your assumption, for it is your shadow, forever bearing witness to your inner imaginal activity.

"Test yourself, and if you prove this to your own satisfaction you will come to the same conclusion the apostles did in the 13th chapter of the Book of Acts. Then you, too, will say: "I have found in David, the son of Jesse, a man after my heart who will do all my will." If the world responds to your imaginal activity, is the world not David doing your will? If the Lord claimed that David always does his will, and you, by a simple imaginal act, command the outer world to respond - are you not the Lord? "

"When you imagine something it is as though you struck a chord, and everything in sympathy with that chord responds to bear witness to the activity in you. If the world is the responding chord to what you are imagining, and David is a man after your own heart who will do all your will - is David not the outer world? This is not "will" as the world uses the word. You do not will something to be so, but imagine it and become inwardly convinced that it is so. And if, through your persistence, the world responds, you have not only found David, you have found the Lord as your own wonderful human imagination. "

"Persist and the world will respond. You will get the money needed to live there. The world does not cause, it only responds to your imaginal acts, for only God acts and God is in you as your own wonderful human imagination. Now, before you judge it, try it. If you do, you cannot fail, and when you prove imagination in the testing, share the good news with your brothers. Tell everyone you meet how the world works. You do not have to have a proper educational or social background to apply this principle; and you cannot fail, for an assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact. "

"When you know what you want, assume you have it. Believe your assumption is true. Look at your world mentally and see your fulfilled desire. Do this and you are calling forth a response to your thoughts, and in the not distant future you will find yourself physically occupying the state imagined. Now, after you realize your desire, don't go back to sleep and hold on to this dream that is now solidly real, while trying to project a desire through secular means. We are warned against doing this in the parable of the rich fool, who said: "I have all that it takes, more than enough. I will pull down my barns and build bigger ones to store my grain and my goods. Then I will take my ease, eat, drink and be merry."

But the Lord said to him: "Fool! This night your soul is required of you." Don't hold onto anything on the outside; hold on only in your imagination. If something is taken from you, it is because at one time you assumed its loss and - for a moment - wondered what you would do if it were. You forgot the thought, but its message had already been released to fulfill itself. If you want to keep your possessions, you must hold onto them in your imagination and not build barns to house them."

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

ALL THAT IS DIVINE, Neville Goddard 06-16-1969

From: ALL THAT IS DIVINE, Neville Goddard 06-16-1969

" Now, he gives you a cushion by telling you that, through the act of assumption, you can fulfill every desire of your heart. Knowing what you want, you must assume that you have it in the same sense that the Christ child is assuming he is what he is beholding. You must behold yourself as secure if that is your desire. You must behold yourself as healthy if that is what you want. You must feel yourself into the state desired with the same persistence as Christ in you is feeling himself into the image of the Father, for he never deviates from that wish. "

" But while you are here, take his wonderful precept and believe that you can have anything you desire. There is no restriction placed upon the power of belief. There is no need to first consult some holy man to see whether you should have it or not. You be the judge. Choose your desire and, to the degree that you are self-persuaded that you have it, you will get it. And, because we are all one, if it takes one million people to aid the birth of your assumption, they will do it, without their knowledge or consent, so you don’t have to ask anyone to aid you. They will do it not even knowing that they are. All you are called upon to do is to assume that you have it. An assumption, though false, if persisted in will harden into fact. That is the principle. "

" Behind this fantastic play where you are awakening as God, we have a secondary state. In it you may be cast into the role of a poor man and need Caesar’s coins to meet his demands of taxes, rent and food. So you can render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s by assuming that you have that which Caesar demands, and remain faithful to that assumption. In the meantime something else is taking place in you which is infinitely greater than Caesar’s world, for this world will come to an end, but the kingdom of heaven is forever as it is eternal. Caesar’s world is one of death, but the human imagination is eternal life. It is the human imagination who will reveal your true identity to you when you are perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect. Then you will see David, the sign that you have reached the end of the journey. Having played all the parts, you are the conqueror and your crown is waiting for you as your son reveals your Fatherhood. If the Lord tells David, "Thou art my son, today I have begotten thee," and David calls you Father, are you not the one called God in scripture? "

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

A STATE CALLED MOSES, Neville Goddard 4-29-1968

From: A STATE CALLED MOSES, Neville Goddard 4-29-1968

" Now that you know it, ask for wealth in the name of God by saying: "I am wealthy." You cannot point outside of self and call upon God's name. If I am in an impoverished state and desire the state of wealth, I must dare to assume I am wealthy. The Torah is a discussion between Jehovah and Pharaoh, or faith and doubt. You must have the faith of assumption that you are the man you want to be in order to become it. Your desires will never come to pass if you believe the denials displayed by your reason and outer senses. As you walk in the assumption that your desire is fulfilled, you are calling upon the name of God and conjuring that which you are assuming. You must dare to assume wealth, if that is your objective."

" If you desire health, you must assume it, even though the doctor's reasoning world produces proof to the contrary. You must be ever aware that they are not your God, that there is only one God and his name is I am! When you point to another as an authority in your world, you are transferring the power that belongs to God to an idol. Now, if you call for anything with the name of God, and his name is I am, and you say I am - are you not your own maker? "

" God is, for I am! I kill and I make alive, I wound and I heal. I create the light and I form the darkness and besides me there is no other God. Whatever I want, I must assume the full responsibility for it. If I want to conjure health and the doctors tell me I cannot overcome my illness and I believe them, I have made my choice and must accept the responsibility for it. But if I dare to assume health, God is proclaiming it, for he has no name other than I am! This is the grand revelation found in the third chapter, the 14th verse, of Exodus. "Go and tell them `I am has sent me to you.' "Whatever you declare, is; for God's name is any form of the verb to be, whether it is I am, I was, or I will be."

" It is said that as he( Moses) led the people through the desert, the majority wanted to go back to their old way of thinking. They felt safer in their old beliefs. It was easier to remain a slave and receive a handout. Many slaves do not want to be freed, because as slaves they are sheltered and fed. To be freed from that state means they would have to enter the state of independence, which is hard but glorious. When you believe God is your own wonderful loving human imagination, you are freed from the slavery of the belief in another. Man has been taught to believe in an external God. To turn to him when in need; and even if he doesn't respond, man continues to think God is doing his work. But Moses tells us to turn to no other God, saying: "Besides me there is no other."

" The only God who will bring you out of slavery is I am. While enslaved, assume I am free, and have the courage to continue worshiping the only God, for there is no other. God did not promise life without peril, because you are capable of falling back into your former state of consciousness. Thinking you may have made a mistake, you can again bow before man-made icons and go to mass on Sunday mornings. So Moses leads you to the promised land, but he cannot take you in."

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Monday, July 23, 2007

A PROPHECY, Neville Goddard 12/16/1968

From A PROPHECY, Neville Goddard 12/16/1968

" Now, in this world a man who wants to be a success in business can sit down and map out a pattern (a scene) which would imply he has the success he desires. Then if he enters the scene and believes its truth, the pattern of success will unfold and the world will confirm it. But he must persist in the image of success, just as God has persisted, for the day will come when God will awaken and express the success he believes himself to be. "

" To what degree are you lost in your dream of success? Your world is your dream pushed out. When you can persuade yourself 100% that you are successful, success is yours! You must become so intense that you completely forget it was only a desire. You must tame the wild, new state you have entered until its naturalness causes you to forget all else. That is how God became you. "

" You can imitate God while here in this world. If, for example you desire to be a great artist, acclaimed throughout the country, map out a plan of success, just as God mapped out a plan of fulfillment which he called Jesus Christ. There are multiple ways to imagine success. Choose a scene which would imply you already have achieved success and when it unfolds, you will know how it came about. Do this, and you are testing the infinite power that you really are. "

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Saturday, July 21, 2007

A PARABOLIC REVELATION, Neville Goddard 06-06-1969

Neville Goddard 06-06-1969

" If you will accept what I have told you this night, life will be much easier for you. Knowing this truth, you can’t pass the buck any more; but knowing you are the Lord you can do anything, because you are all imagination and imagining creates reality. You can imagine anything and sustain it with faith. As you walk in the faith that that which you have imagined is so, it will become so. This I know from experience.

Back in 1943 when I came out of the army I was looking for an apartment. My wife and I had determined how much we were going to pay for it, but when we found the apartment the rent was more than we had planned to pay. Realizing this, my wife said: “Well, that’s not demonstrating this principle, is it.” I said nothing. I simply paid the months of September and October, but when I went to pay the November rent the manager said: “I have an apology to make to you. An authority of the city came in and looked over my books. He discovered that the apartment you have was formerly rented for less.” Then he quoted the new rent figure to me, which was to the dollar the amount I had originally chosen to pay. It took me three months of being faithful to what I had imagined I was paying, even though during that time I was paying more. But, since the reduced rent was retroactive to the day I moved in, I got it all back at the beginning of the third month.

I committed myself in my imagination, to what I was going to pay. I went looking, and because I was going to pay more - in his eyes - he gave me all kinds of concessions he would not have done had I paid him what the former tenant did. First of all he allowed us to pick out the wallpaper, the colors and rooms we wanted painted. He even built a bookshelf for me which covered an entire wall, for all my books. He did everything I wanted; but if I had gone in there and gotten the rent for the amount I said I would pay, he would not have built the bookcase for me, given me the wallpaper, or painted the entire apartment to my specifications. Only then was the rent reduced to the amount I had imagined it to be, and we remained there almost fourteen years.

I tell you: imagination will not fail you if you are faithful. What could I say when I was confronted with the negation of my assumption? Nothing. I simply would not give up, and when the time was right my assumption became a fact. I urge you to set your goal high. Assume the feeling it has been reached and sleep in that feeling. Persist and I promise you that not one thing in this world can rob you of that which you have assumed. But the most important thing is to know that which is housed within you is God’s plan of redemption, and he only redeems himself. God came down into the world and housed himself in you. Now he is going to discover who he is, for it is in you as a person that the nature of God is revealed. "

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Friday, July 20, 2007

A MOVEMENT WITHIN GOD, Neville Goddard 10-16-1967

A MOVEMENT WITHIN GOD, Neville Goddard 10-16-1967

" You can put me to the test tonight by learning how to move. My brother Victor learned how to move into riches when he had nothing. Living on borrowed money and trying to operate a little shop on a side street, Victor would stand before one of the largest buildings in the island and see “J.N. Goddard and Sons” on the marquee, rather than the existing “F.N. Roach and Company”. This he did every day until the idea was fixed in his mind’s eye. Two years later, the business failed. (You may think that was wrong, but nothing is wrong in God’s name. We ate of the tree of millennium and fell into right and wrong). When the building was put up for sale, a man we hardly knew bought it for my brother, and the sign was changed from “F.N. Roach and Company” to “J.N. Goddard and Sons”.

What did my brother do? He moved his imagination. He had no money when he purchased the building in 1922. Now, in 1967, I don’t think you could buy the family out for $25 million. I own ten per cent of the stock, but I do not know its value. I came here to tell you, not how to make money, but how to operate the law of identical harvest so that if everything is taken from you tonight you can rebuild it tomorrow.

This is how it works. I imagined myself into what I am, and I can imagine myself into what I want to be. I am forever becoming what I imagine myself to be, be it good, bad, or indifferent. There is no deity on the outside who condemns and causes you to do what you are doing. You moved into the state you are now occupying either wittingly or unwittingly, for God and your own wonderful human Imagination are one. So when you say: “I and my Father are one” you are speaking of your human imagination!

I have been sent to clarify scripture and take off the barnacles off the story called Jesus Christ. This is a small beginning, but what does it matter? You who hear me will tell the story and bring it back to somewhere near its original form, for the story as interpreted by the churches of the world is not anything near the truth. This morning I read Buckley’s column. I enjoy his use of words and I find him quite an interesting fellow. Today he wrote about the Bishop of Canterbury, saying: “I don’t believe the good Bishop would recognize a Christian if he met one, or scripture if he read it.” I don’t always agree with Buckley, but this time I agreed, after reading what he quoted the Bishop as having said. Now, this is not only true of the present bishop but of all the bishops I have met, whether they call themselves cardinals or popes, for their rituals, beliefs, and teachings are so far removed from the true story of Jesus.

I am here to tell you that God became you! How? By seeing the mask (one like you see in Africa or in Hawaii) and identifying himself with it. Now disguised as that which God wears, you can no longer see who you really are. But I tell you: the being behind the mask you now see as your brother, your sister, your wife, your husband and children - is a part of the elohim who created the play and is playing every part. One day that being will take off the mask and you will resurrect and leave your empty skull. So I say to my friend who saw the mask with the empty skull made of plastic: the day will come when you will ascend with one of us whose mask is already taken off, and pointing to that skull, you will say of it: “I once dwelt there.” Then you will know as I do that you were never the mask you wore. And in eternity we will all know each other and all be enhanced beyond what we were, by reason of the journey that we made.

Tonight you try this. Test it. Learn how to move. The test is simple. Just like my brother, take a simple little thing like asking yourself: “What do I want?” Now, looking at the world as you now see it, if you had what you wanted, would you continue to see the world as it is now? I doubt it. It need not be a change from where you live, but if there were a change you would see the world differently and, naturally your closest circle of friends would see a changed you. Well, begin to move in God by seeing your world from a different angle, and let your friends see you there. You are the operant power and move in your own being.

If you move from where you are to where you would like to be, you could detect that motion only by a change of position relative to another object. Motion in itself cannot be done without some frame of reference from which it moves. If your income had just been increased to say $30,000 a year from your present income of less than $10,000, how would you feel? How would your present circle of friends see you? Would they know it? Would they discuss it? Would they speak of the change in your life? Tell them, and then eavesdrop and hear your friends discuss you as one who is now making $30,000 a year. That’s a motion in God and that movement will produce results! Everything in this world is nothing more than the result of a movement in God, which is a motion in your wonderful imagination. The slightest imaginal act that is a change (I don’t mean just an act, for you can imagine things you don’t believe), but if you imagine something you believe is a change, a thrill is sent through divine being. At that moment you have actually entered another state and made it alive and real in your world!

Try it tonight. It costs you nothing, not even a nickel. But may I tell you that when you stand in the presence of the one being who is drawing all towards itself, you are sent into the world to tell them your fantastic story; and if they do not apply what you tell them, they become disillusioned and hate you who invited them to dream. I am sent to invite everyone to dream consciously, to dream deliberately, for this is a dream world. They say that where he comes, he is always rejected, for he tells man: “Whatever you desire, believe that you have received it and you will.” Anyone who makes that bold assumption and gets the confidence of those whose sphere he reaches, runs the risk of rejection, for when they try it and do not quite know how to do it, they become disillusioned and invariably hate the one who invited them to dream. That’s the risk every teacher who is sent must run.

But I tell you: it’s true anyway, and if one fails to bring their dream into being and becomes embittered, I say to myself: “How often must I tell them? Seventy times seven.” I must tell them until they really understand, and those who hear me, will carry my message forward. They will be heard and in the end we will all be gathered back into the one being, to know that we were that one being who conceived the play and took the plunge. So when we said in the beginning: “It is time for the play to begin,” not one of us failed to respond in the first person, present tense: “I AM”."

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

A LESSON IN SCRIPTURE, Neville Goddard 10/23/1967

"The story of Jesus is a persistent assumption.” This is true in every aspect of your life. You want to be rich? That’s the story of Jesus, which is a persistent assumption in the conviction that “I am rich,” for unless you believe that “I am rich” you die in your sins and continue to claim “I am poor.” You want to be known? Then persistently assume: “I am known.” Want to be healthy? “I am healthy!” Regardless of what you want to be, you must declare you already are it and persist in that assumption. An assumption is an act of faith, and without faith it is impossible to please God. Your reasoning mind may deny wealth. Your senses deny it too, but if you have faith you will dare to assume wealth, thereby becoming the man you want to be."

Thursday, July 19, 2007

IMAGINATION FULFILLS ITSELF, by Neville Goddard 10/26/68

by Neville Goddard 10/26/68

I say imagination creates reality, and if this premise is true then imagination fulfills itself in what your life becomes. Although I have changed the words, what I am saying is not new. Scripture says it in this manner: "Whatsoever you desire, believe you have received it and you will." This statement goes back two thousand years, yet even before that Jeremiah tells of the same principle in his story of the potter and his clay.

But until imagination becomes a part of your normal, natural currency of thought, you will not act consciously. Like breathing, this awareness must become so much a part of you that you will not turn to the left or the right to praise or blame anyone. When you know this presence it will not matter if you started life behind the eight-ball, or in a palace; as a poor, or a rich child; you will realise that life is always externalising what you are imagining.

Lacking the knowledge of this principle, you can reproduce your environment - be it pleasant or unpleasant - forever and ever, as you feed your imagination on what your senses dictate. But knowing this principle, you can ignore the present, and untethered by the so-called facts of life, you can imagine the present as you desire it to be and feed upon your desire, rather than its omission.

Now, imagination cannot be observed as we see objects in space, for imagination is their reality. Faucett gives the name, "God" to the cause of the universe, saying: "God, the creator, is like pure imagining in ourselves. He works in the depths of our soul underlying all of our faculties, including perception, and streams into our surface mind least disguised in the form of productive fancy."

Listen to your thoughts and you will hear God's words! A thought that is not felt produces nothing. But a thought producing motor elements reproduces itself! Catch God in a moment of a motor element such as anger, fear, or frustration, being congratulated or congratulating, and you will know what is going to happen in your world. Unless, of course you arrest your thoughts and revise them. Most of us, however, are not aware of what we are doing, so we do not observe the creator. But we can catch him as he streams into our surface mind least disguised in the form of productive fancy.

If, while riding the bus, driving the car, sitting at home, or standing at a bar, you hear a remark and react by moving on the inside, that remark will fulfill itself in what your life becomes. This principle sets you free, if you are willing to assume its responsibility.

But whether you assume it or not, you will fulfill your every motor element thought anyway. So in the end you will not sympathise or condemn, but simply tell those who may be going through an unpleasant experience of this principle, and - if they accept it - let the principle work in their lives.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


" When you know what you want, you don't ask God as though he were another; you ask your individual self to bring about your desire, for you are he! And God - your own wonderful human imagination - will respond when you will not take no for an answer, as your denial is spoken from within and there is no other. It is within your own being that you persist in assuming you have received what you want. The story is, even though it was midnight and the family was asleep, the father came down and gave what was needed.

The God of a Blake, a Shakespeare, or an Einstein, does not differ from the God housed in you, as there is only one human imagination. There cannot be two. He is not a dual God. You and your imagination are not less than anyone, but you must learn to be persistent. "

" There is nothing God cannot do! Do not think that one who is fabulously rich has an influx of spirit which differs from yours. He is imagining wealth, either wittingly or unwittingly; but you can do it knowingly. If he does not know what he is doing, he can lose his wealth and not know how to recover it. I am asking you, regardless of your financial situation, to assume wealth, knowingly. If, tomorrow you would again return to your former state, bring wealth back by claiming "I am wealthy," for there is only one God. He who creates poverty also creates wealth, as there is no other creator."

" Begin now to actively, constantly, use your imagination; for as you prove its creative power on this level, you are awakening to a higher level and birth into the spirit world where you know yourself to be God. Prove to yourself that you are God by feeling your desire is now an accomplished fact. Listen to your friends talk about you. Are they rejoicing because of your good fortune, or are they expressing envy? Imagine their words are true. Persist in imagining they are true. Continue to imagine your desire is already an accomplished fact; and when it is objectively realised, proof will be yours.

Think of something lovely you would like to give another. Then ask yourself if you gave it to him and he wouldn't accept it, would you want to keep it for yourself? If, for instance, you gave a friend a million dollars and he would not accept it, would you be willing to keep it? I'm sure you would. Then imagine giving the money to him, then give to others in the same way. You may not even have a bank account; but you can still give, because there is no one to give to but yourself! There is only God whose name is I am! "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one." This great confession of faith is recorded in the sixth chapter, the fourth verse of the Book of Deuteronomy. The Lord is not two, not a dozen - just one. If I say "I am" that's one, but if I say "we are" I am speaking of many."

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


by Neville Goddard 3/18/68

I tell you a truth: There is nothing greater than your own wonderful human imagination! It is he who inspired Blake, Shakespeare, and Einstein, for there is only one spirit in the universe! "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One." That one spirit is the human imagination! When Blake was asked what he thought of the divinity of Christ he answered: "Christ is the only God, but so am I and so are you." Don't think of Christ as someone greater than yourself. He is the only God, but so am I and so are you! Don't consider yourself less than Christ, for there is only God, who is your own wonderful human imagination.

Daring to assume that all things are possible to imagine, put this one reality to the extreme test by assuming you are the person you would like to be. Your reasonable mind and outer senses may deny it; but I promise you: if you will persist, you will receive your assumption. Believe me, you are the same God who created and sustains the universe, but are keyed low; so you must be persistent if you would bring about a change.

In the Book of Luke, the story is told of a man who came to a house at the midnight hour, and said: "A friend has arrived who is hungry. Would you let me have three loaves of bread?" The man upstairs replied: "It is midnight. My children are in bed asleep and I cannot come down and give you what you want." Then this statement is made: "But because of the man's importunity, he was given all that he desired." The word “importunity” means "brazen impudence." Having a desire, the man would not take no for an answer!

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Monday, July 16, 2007

YOU CAN NEVER OUTGROW I AM, by Neville Goddard 3/10/69

" Now, without faith it is impossible to please God, and faith does work on this level. Everything you possess was brought into being through faith, and the glory of faith lies in its power to link us to the heavenly realm. Having heard salvation’s story, can you have faith in this divine vision (which is the gospel) in the time of trouble? No matter what happens to you, can you center yourself upon the vision? Can you believe that, housed within you as your I amness, is the only creative power in the world? I hope so, because your faith in God is measured by your confidence in yourself.

When you imagine a state, do you believe that the scene has the power to externalise itself? Or do you feel you must pray to a being on the outside for help? I tell you: there is no being on the outside. The creative power of the world is housed within you now. Sit down and imagine a state of confidence that it must externalise itself. Believe that because all things are possible to imagine, the state you have imagined must become an external fact.

I have tried this time and time again, and it has always proved itself in performance. Now I share this knowledge with everyone who will listen. How many believe my words and put them into practice I do not know. I only know that man finds it hard to keep the tense. Religious leaders speak of God in the third person as if he were on the outside, yet I tell you he comes from within. When Moses heard the words: "I AM has sent me unto you," it seemed to come from without, yet it was whispered from within."

by Neville Goddard 3/10/69

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Sri Siva manifesting techniques versus the Neville Goddard manifesting

I have been field testing the Sri Siva manifesting techniques versus the Neville Goddard manifesting techniques and here is my verdict.

When I switched, it seemed like everything went to hell in a hand basket.
Things that were getting better seemed to, no scratch that, GOT worse.
Maybe it was the old switching horses in midstream thing.

But anyway, I personally am going back to Neville's techniques.
I'm not saying the Ahhh and Ara Kara doesn't work.
I'm just telling you what happened with me.

As far as how long did I try it, well when you skydive and pull a ripcord, if that chute doesn't open, you don't just keep pulling the same one over and over HOPING it will work. You hit the emergency chute!

Neville said try his techniques, I did, and for me they work better.
If you have a different situation, please post it. I really hate for this blog to be one sided, I try to give a variety of view points on manifesting and manifesting techniques.
But right now Neville is 1 and 0 with me.

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Friday, July 13, 2007

Vedic Prosperity Manifesting Mantra

Another Vedic prosperity manifesting mantra.
The mantra is "Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei Swaha" (Foundation Abundance)

Pronounced "OM SHREEM MA-ha LOCK-shmee-YAY SWA-ha"

Okay for some reason I'm not even gonna pretend to understand, If you have not yet had your 28th birthday, you do not use the
above mantra. Use the following one instead: "Om Shrim Maha Lakshmiyei
Pronounced "OM SHREEM MA-ha LOCK-shmee-YAY NOM-uh-HA"
Maybe someone out there knows why.

Now, you repeat the mantra 108 times in a session, twice each day. You can get the mala beads I mentioned in another post ( or make your own) or you could set a timer for 15 or 20 minutes or just repeat the mantra for a length of time that feels right.
At least daily.
Or you could silently recite mantras constantly ( similar to Neville's constant prayer) all day long.

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Manifesting: Ara Kara

Here is another technique taught by Sri Siva.
It's similar to the "Ahhh" but a little more involved.

Actually this sound includes "Ahh" in it.

The sound he recommends is Ara Kara. (Pronounced "AH-ruh KAH-ruh")

All you need do with it is say it. Internally or aloud. You just keep repeating those four syllables.

First pick a goal, like with the Ahhh meditation.
Again, start small. Or start with something that's doable. In theory manifesting a house is no harder than manifesting a rose. BUT, if you have mental blocks, manifesting a smaller object first may be easier for you.

Now, think about the goal VIVIDLY while making the sound "Ara Kara", aloud or silently. Picture it as already done, don't worry about the why or how.

Do this as often as you like. You can do it constantly.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sri Siva's Manifesting process

Sri Siva's Manifesting process

First fix in your mind something you really want to manifest. Starting out, make it something that you really think could happen to make it easier at first.

Then imagine a column of enegry starting at your root chakra and going up through your body to your third eye chakra.

Next, Close your eyes and make the sound " Aaaaaaah" out loud while you imagine the energy traveling from your root chakra up through your body and out of your third eye. Turn your eyeballs up slightly(still closed) and picture the goal like you are watching it on a TV.

Try this once a day for two weeks, maybe 15 to 20 minutes. Or use a mala string with 108 beads to count the Ahhhhs. Or just do it till you feel like you have done it enough.

Wayne Dyer has a "Meditations for Manifesting" CD that you could easily use for this.

You'll notice this differs from Neville Goddard in you are seeing the goal fullfilled rather than " being" the goal fullfilled.

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Dattatreya Siva Baba / Sri Siva

Dattatreya Siva Baba is the man that gave the "Ahhhh" manifesting meditation to Wayne Dyer.
Yes this all took place well before " The Secret" came out.

Dattatreya Siva Baba / Sri Siva

He has a website here: http://www.sivababa.org/ that has a great deal of information on it.
Amazon.com has several glowing testimonials to him:

Cathy, NYC
I used Sri Siva's manifestation techniques to manifest a buyer for my house. The house was not in good condition and I did not have the money to fix it up for sale. I did the Lakshmi mantras he suggested. Within a week I met the buyer for my house and had a handshake deal for a price. Because I sold it without a realtor - I also saved $30,000 in real estate commissions!

Debra, Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Since I met Sri Siva, my life has changed in many ways. I have manifested a great car, a beautiful home on the lake (which really is paradise), pilgrimages to India and my work has steadily grown with profits increasing every year. I thank Siva everyday.

Barbara, Boston
The first month with Sri Siva when he led us through the manifesting exercises, I prayed for excellent health, energy and 120 lbs. This was a big dream considering I could barely work an 8 hour day, I had 18 types of blood disorders and without help I was headed for a serious disease. All of the help I needed came into my life. I found the right doctor who put me on a program that yielded supreme results. All of my physical manifestations came true. The other beautiful change is my inner strength and sense of self worth. I have a confidence and and self respect that is a new and welcome part of my personality.


What I have never gotten about all this, is that if he can manifest anything he wants and all his needs are met, why does he sell his program for $199.95?
I know the " I sell my program, the publishers profit, the truck drivers that deliver it profit, the company that sells it profits etc" line, but what if those that REALLY need it can't afford 200.00 bucks for it?

I guess I'm thinking about the story line on " The 4400" where Jordan Collier just gives out promicin to benefit the world. It looks like someone that knows this much would make the information available to everyone for free.

I know Neville Goddard is dead, but you can find all of his writings online freely. Everything.

Anyway, just because I have these questions doesn't mean he's wrong. So next time we'll go into his techniques. At least as many as I can find for free online.

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Monday, July 9, 2007

MANIFESTING (as described by Neville Goddard) part 11

(as described by Neville Goddard)
Revision 12/09/2003
By Shawn Regan

The 10 aspects of correct manifesting

10. Revision

Neville mentions that if he is to be remembered for anything that it would most likely be for the exercise of revision. Revision is simply changing your memory of an event in your life. The idea is to take a memory of a negative physical event and convert it into a positive imaginal event.

Revision, also popular in the NLP world and given to us also by Seth,
works by supplanting a memory with an equally valid imaginal event.

"In the evening, review all the episodes, events, conversations and meetings of your day. As you recall them, rewrite those you wish changed.
This is done by revising the event, conversation or meeting.
Revise each scene until it becomes so real you feel you are actually experiencing it.
You will discover that, as you revise your days, your tomorrows change.
People who disappointed you today, will encourage you tomorrow,
because you have changed their nature. Having changed the seeming other,
he will bear witness to the change which took place in you." – Neville

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Saturday, July 7, 2007

MANIFESTING (as described by Neville Goddard) part 10

(as described by Neville Goddard)
Revision 12/09/2003
By Shawn Regan

The 10 aspects of correct manifesting

9. Time

"There is always an interval of time between the impression and its expression, between the conscious claim and its embodiment. This interval is called the Sabbath, the period of rest or non-effort (the day of entombment)." – Neville

In his book “Your Faith is Your Fortune” Neville acknowledges the element of time involved in manifestation. Although time is ultimately an illusion, it is an illusion we must contend with until we transcend physical limitations. The time it takes to manifest something would depend on the feeling intensity and the diligence of the practitioner.

"Acting at high tension, an imaginal act is an immediate objective fact.
Keyed low, an imaginal act is realized in a time process." - Neville

"Man is such a slave to time that, if after he has appropriated a state of consciousness which is not now seen by the world and it, the appropriated state, does not immediately embody itself, he loses faith in his unseen claim;
forthwith he drops it and returns to his former static state of being.
Because of this limitation of main I have found it very helpful to employ a specified interval of time in making this journey into a prepared mansion." - Neville

“Now I (consciousness) go to a point in time and there prepare a place." - Neville

"With this belief firmly established decide what would be a relative,
rational interval of time in which such a desire could be realized.
Again let me remind you not to shorten the interval of time because you are anxious to receive your desire; make it a natural interval.
No one can give you the time interval.
Only you can say what the natural interval would be to you." - Neville

"Confidence in yourself as determined by conditioned consciousness always shortens the interval of time. If you were accustomed to great accomplishments, you would give yourself a much shorter interval in which to accomplish your desire than the man schooled in defeat." - Neville

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Friday, July 6, 2007

MANIFESTING (as described by Neville Goddard) part 9

(as described by Neville Goddard)
Revision 12/09/2003
By Shawn Regan

The 10 aspects of correct manifesting

8. Present Moment

Everything happens now. Even when you remember something it is a present memory of an past event. Correct prayer must be done in the present tense.
Feel yourself into the state of the thing desired now, not in some future time frame.

"What you must strive after is being. In order to do, it is necessary to be.
The end of yearning is to be." - Neville

"When you say, 'I AM,' you are declaring yourself to be, first person, present tense; there is no future. To know that I AM is to be conscious of being. Consciousness is the only door." - Neville

"Never visualize yourself at a distant point in time and space.
Make your action take place here and now ! The difference between feeling yourself act here and now and visualizing yourself in action as though on a movie screen, is the difference between success and failure." – Neville

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Thursday, July 5, 2007

MANIFESTING (as described by Neville Goddard) part 8

(as described by Neville Goddard)
Revision 12/09/2003
By Shawn Regan

The 10 aspects of correct manifesting

7. Inner Dialog

"Your inner speech is perpetually written all around you in happenings.
Learn to relate these happenings to your inner speech and you will become self-taught." - Neville

It is important to become aware of the thoughts running through one's mind.
Observing the mind is difficult but can be achieved through non-judgmental detached observation of one’s self.

"An uncritical observation of our inner talking will reveal to us the ideas from which we view the world." – Neville

"Take yourself in hand and uncritically observe your thoughts and reactions to life. Don't condemn your thoughts, but subdue them." – Neville

Easier is to be on watch for one's negativity.
It is important to remove attention to all negative thoughts from one's mind.
When a negative thought enters the mind, and your mind is so trained,
instead of indulging and identifying with the thought you immediately place your attention on something positive. Some will use this reflex to place their attention back to the "I Am" or their idea of God, others will turn their perspective on the negative idea to positive trying to see the positive aspect of what they had perceived negatively.

"You deny a thing by taking your attention away from it. To drop a thing, problem or ego from consciousness you dwell upon God - God being I AM." - Neville

"…in as much as the state with which we are identified mirrors itself in our inner speech, then to change the state with which we are fused,
we must first change our inner talking." - Neville

"Stop all of the old mechanical negative inner talking and start a new positive and constructive inner speech from premises of fulfilled desire." - Neville

"Through controlled inner talking from premises of fulfilled desire, seeming miracles are performed." - Neville

"All of us can realize our objectives by the wise use of mind and speech.
Most of us are totally unaware of the mental activity which goes on within us. But to play the game of life successfully, we must become aware of our every mental activity, for this activity, in the form of inner conversations,
is the cause of the outer phenomena of our life." – Neville

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

MANIFESTING (as described by Neville Goddard) part 7

(as described by Neville Goddard)
Revision 12/09/2003
By Shawn Regan

The 10 aspects of correct manifesting

6. Negativity
"…prune your imagination by withdrawing your attention from all unlovely and destructive ideas and concentrating on the ideal you wish to attain." - Neville

One of the main themes taught in the Fourth Way schools is the removal of negativity.
The negativity you allow yourself to indulge in keeps your energies from rising above the base level of daily human drama.
The negativity you put your attention on, through the law of manifestation,
will eventually find its way into your life and perpetuate negative conditions in your life.
This is an excellent place to start your Neville work.
Assume a positive outlook, see everyone at their best and everything at its best regardless of your memory of them.

When you start catching yourself either about to or in the midst of engaging a negative thought or emotion you will feel very empowered.
You see that you actually have a choice about what you feed yourself mentally.
You’ll see that you really have the ability to make changes in yourself and your life.
You are starting to observe your automatic behavior and becoming more conscious in the process.

"Begin now to discipline your mind by observing your thoughts.
Watch them all through the day and refuse to listen to any thought that is unlovely." – Neville

Another incentive to eliminate negativity is the rebound effect or what Neville calls the “Golden Rule”:

“The warning was given to man in the famous Golden Rule –
“Do unto others that which you would have them do unto you.”
You may desire something for yourself or you may desire for another.
If your desire concerns another make sure that the thing desired is acceptable to that other. The reason for this warning is that your consciousness is God, the giver of all gifts.
Therefore, that which you feel and believe to be true of another is a gift you have given him. The gift that is not accepted return to the giver.
Be very sure then that you would love to possess the gift yourself for if you fix a belief within yourself as true of another and he does not accept this state as true of himself, this unaccepted gift will embody itself within your world.
Always hear and accept as true of others that which you would desire for yourself. In so doing you are building heaven on earth.” - Neville

When you direct negative thoughts toward another there is a good chance they will get rebounded to you. Always directing negative thoughts at others there is a guarantee that some of the negativity will return to you.

"A person who directs a malicious thought to another will be injured by its rebound if he fails to get subconscious acceptance of the other.
“As ye sow, so shall ye reap.”
Furthermore, what you can wish and believe of another can be wished and believed of you, and you have no power to reject it if the one who desires it for you accepts it as true of you. The only power to reject a subjective word is to be incapable of wishing a similar state of another – to give presupposes the ability to receive." – Neville

On the other hand when you direct positive thoughts toward others you are supposed to also receive benefit.

"The good you subjectively accept as true of others will not only be expressed by them, but a full share will be realized by you." - Neville

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

MANIFESTING (as described by Neville Goddard) part 6

(as described by Neville Goddard)
Revision 12/09/2003
By Shawn Regan

The 10 aspects of correct manifesting

5. Feeling
"...you must assume the feeling of the fulfillment of your desire until you are possessed by it and this feeling crowds all other ideas out of your consciousness." – Neville

If you truly desire something when you acquire it you should achieve an emotional peak of sorts. By imagining the feeling of receiving what you wish you can concentrate on this feeling and amplify it until the only thing you are aware of is this wonderful feeling of the wish fulfilled.

“There is a definite feeling associated with every idea in the mind of man." - Neville

"Feeling is the one and only medium through which ideas are conveyed to the subconscious. Therefore, the man who does not control his feeling may easily impress the subconscious with undesirable states. By control of feeling is not meant restraint or suppression of your feeling, but rather the disciplining of self to imagine and entertain only such feeling as contributes to your happiness." - Neville

"Whatever the mind of man can conceive and feel as true, the subconscious can and must objectify." - Neville

"Whenever you become completely absorbed in an emotional state, you are at that moment assuming the feeling of the state fulfilled. If persisted in, whatsoever you are intensely emotional about you will experience in your world.
These periods of absorption, of concentrated attention, are the beginnings of the things you harvest. It is in such moments that you are exercising your creative power - the only creative power there is." - Neville

"Feeling is the secret of successful prayer. Feel yourself into the situation of your answered prayer by living and acting upon your conviction.
Feeling gradually unfolds the soul's hidden capacities.
It is the ferment without which no creation is possible." - Neville

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Monday, July 2, 2007

MANIFESTING (as described by Neville Goddard) part 5

(as described by Neville Goddard)
Revision 12/09/2003
By Shawn Regan

The 10 aspects of correct manifesting
4. Continuous Prayer

"Every moment of your life, consciously or unconsciously,
you are assuming a feeling." - Neville

When you realize that every moment we are assuming a state you see the importance of being in control of one’s mind and thoughts.
To let one’s mind indulge in negative or unproductive thoughts is counterproductive. Neville calls this “Investing our thoughts”. In our usual mode of consciousness we are spending our thoughts by letting our mind freewheel bouncing from thought to thought in an associative manner. In investing we control where our thoughts are placed.
The longer and more frequently we can maintain the state of the thing desired the quicker will be its manifestation.

"The desire which realizes itself is always a desire upon which attention is exclusively concentrated, for an idea is endowed with power only in proportion to the degree of attention fixed on it." - Neville

"We match ourselves to our ideals by constantly remembering our aim and identifying ourselves with it." - Neville

"Have a set, definite aim or your mind will wander,
and wandering it eats every negative suggestion." - Neville

"After you have assumed the feeling of the wish fulfilled, do not close the experience as you would a book, but carry it around like a fragrant odor. Instead of being completely forgotten, let it remain in the atmosphere.. communicating its influence automatically to your actions and reactions." - Neville

"Saturate your mind with one sensation and walk as though your desire were already a fact." - Neville

"A single sensation must dominate the mind if you want to pray successfully." - Neville

“Earnest, concentrated thought focused in a particular direction shuts out other sensations and causes them to disappear.
You have only to concentrate on the state you desire in order to see it.” – Neville

"Recognizing the power of feeling,
pay strict attention to your moods and attitudes." – Neville

“What you are inwardly saying and doing is far more important than what you outwardly express, and can be changed. If you have never uncritically observed your reactions to life, then you are unaware of its cause.
But when you become conscious of your thoughts, you can change them.” – Neville

"Mastery of self-control of your thoughts and feelings-is your highest achievement. However, until perfect self-control is attained so that in spite of appearances you feel all that you want to feel, use sleep and Prayer to aid you in realizing your desired states. These are the two gateways into the subconscious." – Neville

"…therefore he (the perfectly disciplined man) never entertains a feeling which does not contribute to his happiness…" – Neville

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success

Sunday, July 1, 2007

MANIFESTING (as described by Neville Goddard) part 4

(as described by Neville Goddard)
Revision 12/09/2003
By Shawn Regan

The 10 aspects of correct manifesting

3. Visualization
"Now, this is what I mean by spiritual sensation.
Imagine that you are holding a rose in your hand. Smell it.
Do you detect the odor of roses ? Well, if the rose is not there,
why is its fragrance in the air ?
Through spiritual sensation - that is - through imaginal sight, sound, scent, taste and touch, you can give to the image sensory vividness.
If you do this, all things will conspire to aid your harvesting and upon reflection you will see how subtle were the threads that led to your goal." – Neville

The more senses we can engage mentally the better in our process of visualization.
Anything we can use to help bring us to the state the better.
If you are wanting to move to a new city then always carry a picture of this new city with you. Throughout the day sit down and gaze into your picture.
Imagine the feeling of living in that city inside the scene in your picture.
See the streets, smell the scents in the air, feel the warmth or coolness the humidity or lack of, hear the sounds local to that area.

“Through spiritual sensation - through your use of imaginal sight, sound, scent, taste and touch - you will give to your image the sensory vividness necessary to produce that image in your outer or shadow world.” - Neville

“The world is a mirror where-in everyone sees himself reflected. The objective world reflects the beliefs of the subjective mind. Some people are self-impressed best by visual images, others by mental sounds, and still others by mental actions. The form of mental activity which allows the whole power of your attention to be focused in one chosen direction is the one to cultivate, until you can bring all to plan on your objective at the same time.” - Neville

technorati tags: law of attraction book,law of attraction,the laws of attraction,the law of attraction,secret of law of attraction,secret law of attraction ,laws of attraction,the secret law of attraction,spiritual healing training,psychic spiritual healing

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