You know I always let you people in on everything I try.
I do this with the hope that someday I will hit a technique that works.
So I have tried a LOT of things since I started this blog in 2007.
For the past month I have been using the techniques created by Carole Doré, the author of The Emergency Handbook For Getting Money FAST!
If you go to Amazon you will see many glowing reviews of her work.
And you may notice that the price of the book is anywhere from $169.95 to $49.99.
"End financial hardship and obtain money fast with this life-changing book by renowned visualization expert Carole Doré."
" She is a prosperity genius!"
"When applied correctly; these processes do work."
So what have I seen happen?
Not a thing.
In 30 difference.
Of course I am sure it is all my fault.
It always is when these things don’t work.
I do not recommend you spending the money on the book.
You can get the essentials online for free.
Hey...if I start manifesting huge amounts of money like she did, I'll buy the book...the audio tapes...the whole shebang and let everyone know it works.
And I'm gonna keep this up for another 30 days and see if anything happens.
I can hear it now "See if anything happens" That's why it doesn’t work for you!
One of her case histories is a guy that didn’t believe and STILL manifested the money.
So I am gonna stay with it and see how it goes.
I would LOVE for it to actually work!
personal prosperity, creating wealth, true wealth, karma cleansing, abundance for life, wealth mastery, mindful meditation, wealth creation, wealth, the law of attraction, mindfulness meditation, the secret, prosperity, the laws of attraction, law attraction, life abundance, law of attraction, meditation, abundance, secret of law of attraction
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