Wednesday, January 31, 2007

New Moon Manifestation Ritual

 New Moon Manifestation Ceremony
Birthing Your Wishes and Desires

By Phylameana lila Desy,

"New Beginnings Ceremony
The new moon is my favorite of all the moon phases. Perhaps it is the dark side of the moon concept of unseen forces that intrigues me. This is not to say that the beauty of the full moon doesn't take my breath does. I can say that I have never howled at a full moon, but people have been known to get a bit crazed during a full moon, just ask your local bar keep or the night nurse working the midnight shift at the trauma center."

 Full Article Here:

"I accept nothing less or something better"

I accept nothing less or something better

I accept nothing less or something better
By Phylameana lila Desy

"Manifesting Advice - The biggest hurdle many folks face in creating abundance is surrendering control over to the universe, allowing it to bring them the prosperity they desire. We fret and stew. We mistakenly focus on the 'lack of having' instead of allowing opportunities and relationships to evolve naturally. Just as a watched pot never boils our manifestation seeds cannot grow optimally when worry, fear, or anxiousness overshadow them."

Full Article Here:

Abundance - Understanding the Cosmic Law of Attraction

"You likely know someone who is a great at manifesting. You may even have felt somewhat jealous of that person because it appears they have everything, seemingly getting these things with little effort as if they were born under a lucky star.

Abundance - Understanding the Cosmic Law of Attraction

Well, it may be that they very well were born with the knowledge of manifesting already intact. I say this because I believe once we learn something in another life (Yes, I believe in past lives, parallel existences) it is not lost, and that we can choose to bring those talents with us as we move into a new life experience."

Full article here:

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

SynchroDestiny by Deepak Chopra


by Deepak Chopra
As originally printed in the March 1999 issue of New Age Magazine
Date of publication: March 1999, Volume 16. Issue 2.

SynchroDestiny by Deepak Chopra

FROM TIME TO TIME, we've all experienced coincidences that seem to be
endowed with special significance. Perhaps the phone rings with a
call from a long-lost friend just as you've been thinking about that
person. Or you keep hearing a certain word or phrase in your reading
and conversation. Or something that you dreamed suddenly appears in
real life. The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung coined a word to describe
these moments of meaningful coincidence: synchronicity.

A synchronicity is a coming together of seemingly unconnected events.
If you focus your attention, you may recognize that your life is
shaped by those moments of meaningful coincidence. You may even be
able to nurture and participate in those moments in a positive way.
Together, this awareness and intention make up what I call your

In any aspect of life, attention and awareness foster growth. Whenever
you focus your attention on a subject or phenomenon, the object of
your attention will grow stronger. The more you become aware of
meaningful coincidences in your life, the more often you will
encounter them.

Moreover, meaningful coincidences are well worth your attention.
According to Vedic tradition, there are two characteristics that
define a person on the path toward enlightenment: First, a sense that
worries are disappearing. Things may go wrong, but they don't bother
you anymore. Second, in every area of your life, you become aware of a
growing number of synchronicities.

Most people experience at least one coincidence in their lives during
a single day. If you do not, don't worry. Just cultivate an attitude
of relaxed attention and intention. Nature is built on an infinite
number of coincidences, and their presence in your life will soon
become apparent.

Monday, January 29, 2007

The Meaning of Intent in Quantum Mechanics, Fred Alan Wolf

The Meaning of Intent in Quantum Mechanics

An addendum by Fred Alan Wolf to Jack Sarfatti's review of Penrose's "Shadows of the Mind".

Sarfatti Note: Fred is using orthodox quantum mechanics not the nonlinear non unitary generalization implicit in Penrose's "OR" new criterion or in Stapp's Phys. Rev. A July, 1994 paper or in Josephson's complementary biological generalized quantum mechanics.
It is important to see how "intent" is already to be found in the orthodox theory.

How does will manifest in the physical world?
How is it that what I wish to accomplish sometimes occurs without seeming effort, while at other times, even with great expenditure of energy, I fail in my endeavors?
According to a new interpretation of quantum physics,observation and awareness have a far greater effect on the physical world than was previously suspected. Intent, through our powers of observation, actually modifies and alters the course of the physical world and causes things to occur that would not normally occur.

I will illustrate three new quantum principles of intent based on the old proverb of a watched pot.

a) A watched quantum pot never boils if you observe it to not boil.
b) A watched quantum pot boils if you observe it to boil.
c) A watched quantum pot boils even on a cake of ice, if you observe it to boil.

This implies that there is a deep connection between the observer and the observed.
So deep, in fact, that we really cannot separate them.
All we can do is alter the way we experience reality.
This is where intent comes in.

Full article here:

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Creating Reality

Creating Reality

"Simply put, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” Our thoughts determine the present and future of what is contained within our lives. It’s all about our choices. How and what we choose, upon what we focus, concentrate, or direct our attention, and where we spend our mental and emotional energies -- this is precisely what we will attract or draw to ourselves. And the universe always provides."

Full article here:

How To Manifest Reality

"So you want to know how to manifest reality, right? Actually you're already doing it. You're creating reality every second of every minute of every hour of every day. But I suspect you don't like what you are creating.
And you know why? It's because you're creating by default. What do I mean by that. What I mean is this. You're manifesting reality but are unaware of what, or how you're creating, so you think you don't know how to manifest reality. However, the truth is you're already manifesting it.
You are manifesting what is already in your subconscious. Most of what is stored there is junk, that's why the reality you experience everyday is junk.
It's a question of what you put in, you put out. So where does all the junk come from? Well it comes from your past.


"Manifest, verb: To make apparent; to bring into perceivable form. To cause an idea to take on mass or energy or become in some way a reality. To induce agreement amongst viewpoints that an idea is perceivable...
The difficulty most students experience with manifesting reality as they prefer to experience it lies in the discrepancy between Intending as One versus Existing as Many.
One exists on many different levels, populates many different realities at any given moment. Millions of cells transmit their energies to make up just the compound we call the body, let alone all the other facets of one's existence.
One could be said to have a million voices; yet while one is seeking to manifest, often he speaks as one person or as his current social identity, which is only a millionth part of all he is, in his fullness of Consciousness, identified with. "

Cedarfire-"Secondary Gain: Keeping Your Reality From Manifesting" by Jeri Noble

Cedarfire-"Secondary Gain: Keeping Your Reality From Manifesting" by Jeri Noble:

"Secondary gain is a psychiatric term meaning that a person has a hidden reason for holding onto an undesirable condition. Frequently this reason is unconscious. It is obviously unconscious because the loss of holding onto the condition is often far greater than the perceived gain.
For example, this term is often used in chronic pain management. Chronic pain is pain that continues on past the time of an injury being healed, often having no apparent cause in the present. Finding and releasing the perception of secondary gain, such as the attention one receives, monetary compensation for disability, or just the need to deny the original cause of the pain, can greatly contribute to healing.
In metaphysics, we have found the term 'secondary gain' to be very helpful, particularly when we seem to run into barriers to manifesting our good. This occurs when we put a great deal of energy into visualizing, affirming and treating for a new level of good and it either doesn't happen or the situation actually gets worse. This is a signal that there may be an issue of secondary gain, that for some reason, our subconscious mind feels more secure staying in our disadvantaged state rather than going for improvement.
I've done a lot of work with a variety of different clients researching this phenomenon, and have found some interesting aspects to it."

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Manifesting - create your own reality, by Vered Neta

Manifesting - create your own reality - by Vered Neta

"I've experimented with conscious manifesting techniques for 13 years now. For 5 years I have taught others the tools that I myself have learned in a course called 'Manifesting Results'. Some people come to the course with a preconception that I'm going to teach them how to manifest. The bad news is that I'm not going to do that. The good news is that you already DO manifest everything in your life. You always have.

Manifesting - create your own reality, by Vered Neta

Since we all already create our own realities, what we do in the course is slow down the creative process and learn how this is done, in order to understand the principals behind and in so doing adjust things and create something different.

We create our reality from our Thoughts, Feelings, Choices and Beliefs. Lets explore each of these"

Full Article Here:

Manifesting Reality: How We Make Things Happen

Manifesting Reality: How We Make Things Happen:

"At some level, each of us has always known that we have attracted people, things, and events into our lives based on our thoughts. The recognition of that is in our daily speech, such phrases as; 'What you put your attention on grows', 'Be careful what you wish (pray) for' etc.

Thought is a quick light, mobile form of energy that manifests instantaneously. It is now time in our evolution to consciously embrace our divine nature and to truly experience what has always been promised to us … 'Ask, and it shall be given to you…' For me, manifesting is an active form of prayer in which we are more consciously aware and focused. It is what many call 'co-creating'.

As most of us now know and understand, we are, along with the rest of what we see and experience, made up of a miraculous interchange of vibrating waves of energy. When we create something, we always create first in thought form. One law of energy is that energy of a certain quality or vibration tends to attract energy of a similar quality and vibration. Another important law of energy is whatever we put out into the universe is attracted back at us.. 'As you sow, so shall you reap'. Which means, whatever we think about the most, believe in the strongest, expect on the deepest levels, or imagine the most vividly about, shall be our experience. "

Full Article:

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Learn to be silent - Blaise Pascal

Learn to be silent.
Let your quiet mind listen and absorb. 

Learn to be silent - Blaise Pascal

(580.B.C.-500 B.C.)

A Greek philosopher and mathematician, Pythagoras was especially interested in the study of mathematics in relation to weights and measures and to musical theory.

All man's miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone.


Blaise Pascal was a French philosopher, scientist, mathematician, and writer, whose treatises contributed to the fields of hydraulics and pure geometry.

This is the one time in this collection of great contributors that I have elected to highlight two writers on the same subject. I selected two men whose lives were separated by over two millennia, both of whom in their own times were considered the most knowledgeable in the rational fields of mathematics and science. Pythagoras, whose writings influenced the thought of Plato and Aristotle, was a major contributor to the development of both mathematics and Western rational philosophy. Blaise Pascal, a famous French mathematician, physicist, and religious philosopher who lived twenty-two centuries after Pythagoras, is considered one of the original scientific minds. He is responsible for inventing the syringe, the hydraulic press, and the first digital calculator. Pascal's Law of Pressure is still taught in science classes around the world today.

Keeping in mind the left-brained scientific leanings of these two scientists, reread their two quotes. Pascal: "All man's miseries derive from not being able to sit quietly in a room alone. " Pythagoras: "Learn to be silent. Let your quiet mind listen and absorb." They both speak to the importance of silence and the value of meditation in your life, whether you are an accountant or an avatar. They send us a valuable message about a way of being in life that is not popularly encouraged in our culture: that there is tremendous value in creating alone time in your life that is spent in silence. If you want to shed your miseries, learn to sit silently in a room alone and meditate.

Full article here:

Saturday, January 20, 2007

FIRST STEPS , Ernest Holmes

Ernest Holmes
THE first thing to realize is that since any thought manifests it necessarily follows that all thought does the same, else how should we know that the particular thought we are thinking would be the one that would create? Mind must not cast back all or none. Just as the creative power of the soil receives all seeds put into it, and at once begins to work upon them, so mind must receive all thought and at once begin to operate upon it. Thus we find that all thought has some power in our lives and over our conditions. We are making our environments by the creative power of our thought. God has created us thus and we cannot escape it. By con- forming our lives and thought to a greater understanding of law we shall be able to bring into our experience just what we wish, letting go of all that we do not want to experience and taking in the things we desire. Every person is surrounded by a thought atmosphere


This mental atmosphere is the direct result of thought which in its turn becomes the direct reason for the cause of that which comes into our lives. Through this power we are either attracting or repelling. Like attract like and we attract to us just what we are in mind. It is also true that we become attracted to something that is greater than our previous experience by first embodying the atmosphere of our desire.

Every business, every place, every person, everything has a certain mental atmosphere of its own. This atmosphere decides what is to be drawn to it. For instance, you never saw a successful man who went around with an atmosphere of failure. Successful people think about success. A successful man is filled with that subtle something which permeates everything that he does with an atmosphere of confidence and strength. In the presence of some people we feel as though nothing were too great to undertake; we are uplifted; we are inspired to do great things, to accomplish; we feel strong, steady, sure. What a power we feel in the presence of big souls, strong men, noble women!

Did you ever stop to inquire why it is that such persons have this kind of effect over you while others seem to depress, to drag you down, and in their presence you feel as though life were a load to carry? One type is positive, the other negative. In every physical respect they are just alike, but one has a mental and spiritual power which the other does not have, and without that power the individual can hope to do but little.

Which of these two do we like the better? With which do we want to associate? Certainly not the one that depresses us; we have enough of that already. But what about the man who inspires us with our own worth? Ah, he is the man we will turn to every time. Before ever we reach him, in our haste to be near, even to hear his voice, do we not feel a strength coming to meet us? Do you think that this man who has such a wonderful power of attraction will ever want for friends? Will he ever have to look up a position? Already so many positions are open to him that he is weighing in his mind which one to take. He does not have to become a success; he already is a success.

Thoughts of failure, limitation or poverty are negative and must be counted out of our lives for all time. Somebody will say, "But what of the poor; what are you going to do with them; are they to be left without help?" No; a thousand times no. The same power is in them that is in all men. They will always be poor until they awake and realize what life is. All the charity on earth has never done away with poverty, and never will; if it could have done so it would have done so; it could not, therefore it has not. It will do a man a thousand times more good to show him how to succeed than it will to tell him he needs charity. We need not listen to all the calamity howlers. Let them howl if it does them any good. God has given us a power and we must use it. We can do more toward saving the world by proving this law than all that charity has ever given it.

Right here, in the manifold world to-day, there is more money and provision than the world can use. Not even a fraction of the wealth of the world is used. Inventors and discoverers are adding to this wealth every day; they are the real people. But in the midst of plenty, surrounded by all the gifts of heaven, man sits and begs for his daily bread. He should be taught to realize that he has brought these conditions upon himself; that instead of blaming God, man or the devil for the circumstances by which he is surrounded, he should learn to seek the truth, to let the dead bury their dead. We should tell every man who will believe what his real nature is; show him how to overcome all limitations; give him courage; show him the way. If he will not believe, if he will not walk in the way, it is not our fault, and have done all we can, we must go our way. We may sympathize with people but never with trouble, limitation or misery. If people still insist on hugging their troubles to themselves, all the charity in the world will not help them.

Remember that God is that silent power behind all things, always ready to spring into expression when we have provided the proper channels, which are receptive and positive faith in the evidence of things not seen with the physical eye but eternal in the heavens.

All is mind, and we must provide a receptive avenue as it passes out through us into the outer expression of our affairs. If we allow the world's opinion to control our thinking, then that will be our demonstration. If, on the other hand, we rise superior to the world, we shall do a new thing.

Remember that all people are making demonstrations, only most of them are making the ones thy can make with their present powers of perception.


Ernest Holmes

IT is easy for the average person to see how it is that mind can control, and to a certain extent govern, the functions of the body. Some can go even further than this and see that the body is governed entirely by consciousness. This they can see without much difficulty, but it is not so easy for them to see how it is that thought governs their conditions and decides whether they are to be successes or failures.

Here we will stop to ask the question: If our conditions are not controlled by thought, by what, then, are they controlled? Some will say that conditions are controlled by circumstances. But what are circumstances? Are they cause or are they effect? Of course they are always effect; everything that we see is an effect. An effect is something that follows cause, and we are dealing with causation only; effects do not make themselves, but they are held in place by mind, not by causation.


If this does not answer your thought, begin over again and realize that behind everything that is seen is the silent cause. In your life you are that cause. There is nothing but mind, and nothing moves except as mind moves it. We have agreed that while God is love, yet your life is governed absolutely by mind, or law. In our lives of conditions we are the cause, and nothing moves except as our mind moves it.
The activity of our mind is thought. We are always acting because we are always thinking. At all times we are either drawing things to us or we are pushing them away from us. In the ordinary individual this process goes on without his ever knowing it consciously, but ignorance of the law will excuse no one from its effects.

"What," someone will say, "do you think that I thought failure or wanted to fail?" Of course not. You would be foolish to think that; but according to the law which we cannot deny, you must have thought that failure might come, or in some way you gave gave it entrance to your mind.

Thinking back over the reason for things, you will find that you are surrounded by a mind, or law, that casts back at the thinker, manifested, everything he thinks. If this were not true, man would not be an individual. Individuality can mean only the ability to think what we want to think. If that thought is to have power in our lives then there has to be something that will manifest it. Some are limited and bound by law through ignorance. This law is sometimes called "Karma," it is the law that binds the ignorant and gives freedom to the wise.

We live in mind; and it can return to us only what we think into it. No matter what we may do, law will always obtain. If we are thinking of ourselves as poor and needy, then mind has not choice but to return what we have thought into it. At first this may be hard to realize, but the truth will reveal to the seeker that law could act in no other way. Whatever we think is the pattern, and mind is the builder. Jesus, realizing this law, said, "It is done unto you even as you have believed." Shall we doubt but that this great Way Shower knew what he was talking about? Did He not say, "It is done unto you." Nothing to worry about. "It is done unto you." With a tremendous grasp of true spiritual thought, Jesus even called forth bread from the ethers of life, and at no time did he He ever fail to demonstrate that when one knows the truth he is freed by that knowledge.


Ernest Holmes

THE author once attended a patient who was suffering from a large growth. She was operated on and about fifty pounds of water were removed. In a few days the growth had returned. Where did it come from? Not from eating or drinking. Neither did it move from one part of the body to another part, as that would not have increased her weight. It must have been created from elements which she took in from the air. It had to come from something not physically seen, something appearing from nothing that we see. What we call "creation" is the same thing -- the visible appearing from the invisible. Was not this phenomenon a creation?


Cases as remarkable as this are occurring every day. We should not deny this fact but try to explain it. In the case of this woman there must have been an activity of thought molded into form, else how could this growth have appeared? There is nothing manifest but that there is a cause for the manifestation. Investigation proves that behind every condition, whether of body or environment, there has been some thought, conscious or unconscious, which produced that condition. In the case of this woman the thought was not conscious. But creation is going on all the time; we should realize this and learn how to control it so that there may be created for us the things that we desire and not those that we do not want. Is it any wonder that the Bible says, "With all thy getting get understanding"?
Jesus understood all this, and so it was no more effort for Him to do what He did than it is for us to breathe or to digest our food. He understood, that is all. Because Jesus did understand and did use these great laws with objective consciousness, people thought He must be God. And when to-day something unusual occurs, people think that a miracle has been performed. Jesus was not God. He was a manifestation of God; and so are all people. "I say ye are gods, and every one of you sons of the Most High."

A thinking person will be compelled to admit, in view of all this, that creation is first spiritual, through mental law, and then physical in manifestation.

Man does not really create. He uses creative power that already is. Relatively speaking, he is the creative power in his own life; and so far as his thought goes, there is something that goes with it that has the power to bring forth into manifestation that thing thought of. Hitherto men have used this creative power in ignorance and so have brought upon themselves all kinds of conditions, but today hundreds of thousands are beginning to use these great laws of their being in a conscious, constructive way. Herein lies the great secret of the New Thought movements under their various names and cults and orders. All are using the same law even though some deny to the others real revelation. We should get into an attitude of mind wherein we should recognize the truth wherever we may find it. The trouble with most of us is that unless we see sugar in a sugar bowl we think it must be something else, and so we stick to our petty prejudices instead of looking after principles.

The Healing Light - Agnes Sanford

Agnes Sanford (1897-1982) is considered to be one of the main founders of the Inner Healing Movement.
She was the daughter of a Presbyterian missionary in China and the wife of an Episcopal priest.
Her first book, 'The Healing Light', is considered a classic in it's field.....

The Healing Light - Agnes Sanford

The Healing Light
Agnes Sanford

If we try turning on an electric iron and it does not work, we look to the wiring of the iron, the cord, or the house. We do not stand in dismay before the iron and cry, "Oh, electricity, please come into my iron and make it work!" We realize that while the whole world is full of that mysterious power we call electricity, only the amount that flows through the wiring of the iron will make the iron work for us.

The same principle is true of the creative energy of God. The whole universe is full of it, but only the amount of it that flows through our own beings will work for us.

We have tried often to make this creative power flow through us, saying, "Oh, God, please do this or that!" And He has not done this or that, so we have concluded that there is no use in prayer, because God, if there is such a Being, will do as He likes regardless of our wishes. In other words, we doubt the willingness or the ability of God to actually produce within our lives and bodies the results that we desire. We do not doubt our own ability to come into His presence and fill ourselves with Him, but His willingness to come into us and fill us with Himself.

My baby had been ill for six weeks with abscessed ears. I prayed desperately that God would heal the child. My mind was filled with thoughts of fear and of bitterness, and these are not of God. God is love, and perfect love casts out fear. So God could not go through me to heal my baby, for there was a break in the pipeline that connected me with Him.

Nevertheless, in His great kindness He did what He could for me. He sent me one of His own ministers. The minister was a young man, ruddy-faced, clear-eyed, full of normal, healthy interest in people and in life.

"I'll go up and have a prayer with him," he said.

"I don't think that will do any good," I replied wearily. 'He's only a year and a half old. He wouldn't understand."

What I really thought was, "If God doesn't answer my prayers, why would He answer this minister's prayers?"

"Oh, that won't matter," cried the minister, disregarding my feeble protests. He went upstairs.

Light shone in his eyes. I looked at him and saw his joyfulness, and I believed. For joy is the heavenly "O.K." on the inner life of power. No dreary, long-faced minister could have channeled God's healing to my baby, and it was the joy on the minister's face that called forth my faith. Looking on him I knew that he had been with the One who came to give us His joy, and so I knew that the baby would be well.

The minister placed his hands upon the baby's ears and said, "Now you close your eyes and go to sleep. I'm going to ask God to come into your ears and make them well, and when you wake up you'll be all right."

He did ask God exactly that, in the simplest possible way. He closed his prayer by saying, "We thank you, Heavenly Father, because we know that this is being done. Amen."

The fever-flush died out of the baby's face immediately. He turned very pale, closed his eyes and slept. When he woke, he was well. And he never again has had abscessed ears.

This incident turned on the light for me in the world that had grown very dark with futility. It showed me that God is an active and powerful reality. True, I understood very little about Him. I merely thought that the visiting minister had the gift of healing. Now I know that he had no gift except that which is open to all of us, the infinite gift of the life of God Himself. God's water of life could rush through him, for the pipeline between his spirit and God's spirit was intact. He was in harmony with God. The life of God flowed through him, and could therefore be turned on by him for the healing of a child. He knew it, and therefore had the courage to speak with authority.

"We thank you because we know that this is being done," he had said, adding the word, "Amen (So be it)," a word of command. All prayers end with "Amen," but usually the word is meaningless. The people who utter it do not in the least intend to send forth a command so positive that they would dare to say, "When he wakes he will be all right." This is one reason many prayers do not seem to be answered.

God is both within us and without us. He is the source of all life; the creator of universe behind universe; and of unimaginable depths of inter-stellar space and of light-years without end. But He is also the indwelling life of our own little selves. And just as a whole world full of electricity will not light a house unless the house itself is prepared to receive that electricity, so the infinite and eternal life of God cannot help us unless we are prepared to receive that life within ourselves. Only the amount of God that we can get in us will work for us.

"The kingdom of God is within you," said Jesus. And it is the indwelling light, the secret place of the consciousness of the Most High that is the kingdom of Heaven in its present manifestation on this earth. Learning to live in the kingdom of Heaven is learning to turn on the light of God within.

We must learn that God is not an unreasonable and impulsive sovereign who breaks His own laws at win. As soon as we learn that God does things through us (not for us), the matter becomes as simple as breathing, as inevitable as sunrise.

"But God is omnipotent!" some people say. "He can do anything He likes! " Certainly, but He has made a world that runs by law, and He does not like to break those laws.

Few of us in the north would ask God to produce a full-blown rose out of doors in January. Yet He can do this very thing, if we adapt our greenhouses to His laws of heat and light, so as to provide the necessities of the rose. And He can produce a full-blown answer to prayer if we adapt our earthly tabernacles to His laws of love and faith so as to provide the necessities of answered prayer.

Some day the world will come to understand this fact, as it is now beginning to understand the miracle of light waves, for one generation's miracles are the commonplaces of another generation.

Some day we will understand the principles that underlie the miracle-working powers of God, and we will accept His intervention as simply and naturally as we do the radio and television that cause us to see and hear a person far away both in space and in time.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Manifesting Reality - Dr. Wayne Dyer

 "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
Wayne Dyer

Self help guru Dr. Wayne Dyer is affectionately called the "father of motivation" by his fans.
He is one of the most widely known and respected people in the field of self-empowerment. He has published more than 20 self-help books and audio lectures, many of which have become best sellers.

I myself have several of his CDs and books. I really like him and the way he gets his message across. He's not heavy handed, he takes a gentle approach to try to guide the listener or reader.

I first saw him on one of his PBS specials and I sat there amazed at what he was saying. Basically because as he told about how he got to the point in his life that he's at now, I was sitting there going "I read those same books! I thought those same things!"
Dr. Dyer just managed to put them all together.

I have wondered why he wasn't in The Secret.
That seems a little strange to me.

Monday, January 1, 2007

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If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your individual browser options. More detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers can be found at the browsers' respective websites.

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