Tuesday, July 28, 2009

EFT and the Law of Attraction Report 2

Okay, I know I did a kinda gloomy entry yesterday on EFT and the Law of Attraction experiment.
(There's always a but right?)
Today something happened out of the blue.
If was really an inspiration, money didn't just plop down outta the sky.
I was in the right place at the right time and now I'm gonna wind up getting paid $35 dollars for 20 minutes work Friday.
Get your mind outta the gutter...it's for a survey, (not online, at a local place here.)
But anyway, again it was being in a place I don't normally go, and it was a fleeting thought I followed up on.
True it's not a check for over $18,000.00, like in the example I read, but it is a start.
So I'm gonna keep tapping and see where it leads me.
Don't worry, should this turn into a Bonanza, I will post every detail of what I am doing.
So I guess the bottom line here is "EFT and the Law of Attraction Experiment Day 6, profits up".

Monday, July 27, 2009

EFT and the Law of Attraction Report 1

As you read in my last entry I'm doing an experiment with the law of attraction and EFT.

So this is my first report.

Nothing has happened.
Nope, not a thing.
I'm not being disbelieving or skeptical or anything, just reporting on what's going on.
So far, nothing.
True it has only been five days, not even a week yet.
So I'm going to keep doing it.
One thing it does seem to do is help set the affirmation you use into your head.
I've caught myself thinking about it out of the blue.
But if the affirmation isn't doing any good...whats the point?

Don't take this wrong, but I like a dose of reality with my LOA.
It's back to the piano thing I mentioned before.
If tapping works great.
If it doesn't, I'm not gonna sit around tapping myself on the head for a year.

Anyway, like I said, I'm gonna keep doing the EFT and see if it really does help with the law of attraction.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

EFT, Can You Tap Your Way To Health and Wealth?

I have been reading about Carol Tuttle and doing some research on EFT recently when I ran across this article at TapIntoHeaven.com.
Now I don't believe everything I read.
But I will try something just to see what it does for me.
So I'm gonna give this technique a try and see what happens.

Here is the intro to the article which make some amazing claims......

I was skeptical when I first heard about tapping in positive statements to increase the flow of money into my life - affirmations were not my cup of tea. But I'll try almost anything once. So when a good friend of mine shared a powerful affirmation proven to increase self–esteem and attract abundance, I changed the wording around a bit to make it mine, and then experimented with my statement using the Temporal Tap technique.

Five days later, I was unexpectedly handed a check for over $18,000.00 and told to do with the money as I wished!

You can read the full article (and yes they give you the technique for free) here:

Like I said, I don't believe everything I read or hear.
But I do keep an open mind.
And I will try things other people think are crazy.

Of course reading Neville you don't have a problem with that, he always said test it yourself and see what happens.
Some though tell you that your attempts fail because you don't believe.
Well for me to believe, I have to see a positive outcome.

And as I have always said, if I EVER run across something that I know works 100%, you'll see a big "DO THIS IT WORKS!" in the blog title.
I'll tell EVERYONE and I'll tell them for free!

I don't think taping my head while saying an affirmation will hurt me, so I'm taking it out for a test drive.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

More From "The Magic of Faith"

Here's another bit from "The Magic of Faith" by Dr. Joseph Murphy, 1954.

"I told a man in one of the islands one time "to sleep" on the idea of success. He was selling magazine subscriptions. He became a great success by following this procedure: I suggested that he think of success prior to sleep; i.e., what suc­cess meant to him; what he would do if he were successful. I told him to use his imagination; then as he was about to go to sleep, fall in love with the idea of success this way: Repeat the one word, "Success," over and over again. He should get into the mood of success; then fall off to sleep in the arms of his Everlasting Lover. Your Lover—your Divine Presence—will bring to pass what­ever you accept as true. The conditions, exper­iences, and events of your life are called chil­dren of your mind."

Here again we have the "sleep manifesting" that Neville Goddard speaks about.
Quite the mind before sleep.
Fill your mind with the idea of what you want.
Really feel it.
Then drift off to sleep with the idea in your mind.

Sounds simple right?


LOL...no really, it can be very hard for some people.
You have to get the idea in your mind and get rid of other thoughts.


"I have to pay the house payment on Friday, it's Monday and I have no money."
Now you are supposed to quiet any anxious, fearful thoughts and focus on the payment already being made.
While you are trying to focus on the positive outcome, being homeless, in the streets etc., keeps coming into your mind.

Gently push the thought away and go back to positive.
Don't rail against it.
Just push it away and go back to your end result.

Don't give in or give up.
In this case you are a warrior and you cannot take no as an answer, or surrender.
And guess who and what you are fighting?
Yes, to do this you must gain mastery over YOU, no one else.

If anyone out there remembers Pogo, think about what he once said....
"We have met the enemy and he is us."

Focus on that one word, be it success, or health or love or peace.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Dr. Joseph Murphy's The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind

Well I'm back.
I was offline for about a month and now I'm busy trying to get caught up on everything.

One of the things I did while I was offline was read Dr. Joseph Murphy's "The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind".
You may know already if you are a regular reader of this blog that Dr. Murphy studied under Abdullah, the same man that taught Neville Goddard.

Neville's approach and Murphy's approach are a little different though.
To put it simply, Neville to me is more metaphysical and Murphy is more scientific.

One major point of difference to me in reading the book is that Murphy does not advocate the "I AM" principle.
At one point, Murphy even says not everyone should say "I am wealthy" if you are not, because your subconscious knows you are lying to it.
He advocates just saying "Wealth" over and over because it is not a statement, but an idea.
I wonder if Murphy and Neville ever had any discussions on this topic?
I would have loved to be a fly on the wall there.

Murphy also seems to advocate looking at various manifesting techniques to see which one works best for you.
And as with Neville, there are a lot of Bible quotes through out the book.

And I found something very important to me on page 107, "The Law of Reverse Effort".
It's how when we put too much effort into manifesting, we begin to try to use willpower instead of imagining.
" Use no willpower. Instead, visualize the end and the state of freedom it produces."

Of course this goes back to thinking from the end.
See the result, not how you got there.

Despite the differences, if you have read a lot of Neville and a lot of Murphy, you will begin to see the similarities between the two more than the differences.
I think the two compliment each other.
And with over a million copies in print, someone must agree with me.

I have read that some think Murphy was ripping off the Master Key System with his work.
But I still think there is nothing new under the sun, and everyone's techniques will have similarites with another.

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