Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Let me sleep on it: Creative problem solving enhanced by REM sleep

Let me sleep on it: Creative problem solving enhanced by REM sleep:

"Research led by a leading expert on the positive benefits of napping at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine suggests that Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep enhances creative problem-solving. The findings may have important implications for how sleep, specifically REM sleep, fosters the formation of associative networks in the brain.

The study by Sara Mednick, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry at UC San Diego and the VA San Diego Healthcare System, and first author Denise Cai, graduate student in the UC San Diego Department of Psychology, shows that REM directly enhances creative processing more than any other sleep or wake state. Their findings will be published in the June 8th online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)."

Well that's something we have never heard about isn't it?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Foundation Stone- Imagination, by Neville Goddard

From "The Foundation Stone- Imagination" by Neville Goddard, December 1st, 1959......

The Foundation Stone- Imagination, by Neville Goddard

"We believe that man can create anything he desires. We believe the Universe is infinite response and the one who causes it is the individual perceiver. Nothing is independent of your perception of it. We are so interwoven we are part of the machine, but as we awake we detach ourselves from this machine and make life as we wish it to be. "For man is all Imagination and God is man and exists in us and we in him." "The eternal body of man is the Imagination: that is God himself." You can imagine and I can imagine, and if we can be faithful to the state imagined it must appear in our world. This is not new. This was given centuries ago, for we have it in the Bible; but people do not know how to read the Bible, so they got together and organized it into an "ism." It is not an "ism," but it is the great plan to free man. The Bible shows this plan in detail."

"I say the universe is infinite response, but it also gives back more than you imagine. It is pressed down and running over. Therefore, to be negative can be frightening. The good will come back a thousandfold, but so will the negative. But if I am optimistic and do not waver, I will bring that also pressed down and running over. It is something wonderful; it will come like a gusher. The world responds more than it takes, and it gives to the individual more than he imagines - good or bad."

Read the full lecture here:

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles

From The Science of Getting Rich, Chapter 4

The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace D. Wattles

THOUGHT is the only power which can produce tangible riches from the Formless Substance. The stuff from which all things are made is a substance which thinks, and a thought of form in this substance produces the form.

Original Substance moves according to its thoughts; every form and process you see in nature is the visible expression of a thought in Original Substance. As the Formless Stuff thinks of a form, it takes that form; as it thinks of a motion, it makes that motion. That is the way all things were created. We live in a thought world, which is part of a thought universe. The thought of a moving universe extended throughout Formless Substance, and the Thinking Stuff moving according to that thought, took the form of systems of planets, and maintains that form. Thinking Substance takes the form of its thought, and moves according to the thought. Holding the idea of a circling system of suns and worlds, it takes the form of these bodies, and moves them as it thinks. Thinking the form of a slow-growing oak tree, it moves accordingly, and produces the tree, though centuries may be required to do the work. In creating, the Formless seems to move according to the lines of motion it has established; the thought of an oak tree does not cause the instant formation of a full-grown tree, but it does start in motion the forces which will produce the tree, along established lines of growth.

Every thought of form, held in thinking Substance, causes the creation of the form, but always, or at least generally, along lines of growth and action already established.

The Science of Getting Rich was written by Wallace D. Wattles in 1910.
Wallace also published a lesser known book "The Science of Being Well" in 1910.
Of course The Science of Getting Rich regained popularity in modern times because Rhonda Byrne said that her daughter Hayley, had given Rhonda a copy of the book to help her recover from her breakdown.

Wallace's daughter Florence said that Wallace used creative visualization.

You can read The Science of Getting Rich for free at Wikisource here:

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Saturday, June 6, 2009

Believe in Yourself, Joseph Murphy

Believe in Yourself, Joseph Murphy

From Believe in Yourself by Dr. Joseph Murphy

"A great industrialist told me one time how he started in a small store. He said that I used to dream (Joseph was a dreamer) of a large corporation with branches all over the country. He added that regularly and systematically he pictured in his mind the giant building, offices, factories, and stores, knowing that through the alchemy of the mind, he could weave the fabric out of which his dreams would be clothed. He prospered, and began to attract to himself by a universal law of attraction the ideas, personnel, friends, money, and everything needed for the unfoldment of his ideal. He truly exercised and cultivated his imagination, and lived with these mental patterns in his mind until imagination clothed them in form.

I liked particularly one comment which he made as follows, "It is just as easy to imagine yourself successful, as it is to imagine failure, and far more interesting."

"We have said previously that all our mental at­titudes are conditioned by imagination. If you imagine: It is going to be a black day today; business is going to be very poor; that it is rain­ing; no customers will come into your store; they have no money, etc., you will experience the re­sult of your negative imagery.

One time Troward (Thomas Troward*) was walking the streets of London, and he imagined he saw a snake on the street. Fear caused him to become semi-paralyzed. What he saw looked like a snake, but Troward had the same mental and emotional reaction as if it were a snake.

Imagine whatsoever things are lovely, noble, and of good report, and your entire emotional attitude toward life will change. What do you imagine about life? Is it going to be a happy life for you? Or is it one long series of frustrations? "Choose ye whom ye will serve."*

You mold, fashion, and shape your outer world of experience according to the mental images you habitually dwell on. Imagine conditions and cir­cumstances in life which dignify, elevate, please, and satisfy. If you imagine life is cold, cruel, hard, bitter, and that struggle and pain are inevitable, you are making life miserable for yourself."

* Thomas Troward is one of the authors credited with inspiring "The Secret" film.
* Joshua 24:15

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Imagination Fullfills Its Self - Neville Goddard

Imagination Fullfills Its Self - Neville Goddard

From Imagination Fullfills Its Self, by Neville Goddard, October 26th, 1968.....

"I say imagination creates reality, and if this premise is true then imagination fulfills itself in what your life becomes. Although I have changed the words, what I am saying is not new. Scripture says it in this manner: "Whatsoever you desire, believe you have received it and you will." This statement goes back two thousand years, yet even before that Jeremiah tells of the same principle in his story of the potter and his clay.

But until imagination becomes a part of your normal, natural currency of thought, you will not act consciously. Like breathing, this awareness must become so much a part of you that you will not turn to the left or the right to praise or blame anyone. When you know this presence it will not matter if you started life behind the eight-ball, or in a palace; as a poor, or a rich child; you will realize that life is always externalizing what you are imagining.

Lacking the knowledge of this principle, you can reproduce your environment - be it pleasant or unpleasant - forever and ever, as you feed your imagination on what your senses dictate. But knowing this principle, you can ignore the present, and untethered by the so-called facts of life, you can imagine the present as you desire it to be and feed upon your desire, rather than its omission. "

"I tell you: imagining creates reality. Believe me, for it is true. Faucett* was right when he said," The secret of imagining is the greatest of all problems to the solution of which the mystic aspires, for supreme power, supreme wisdom and supreme delight lie in the far off solution of this mystery. "

"I ask you to take me seriously. Imagination will fulfill itself, so do not limit yourself by anything that is now happening, no matter what it is. Knowing what you want, conceive a scene which would imply you have it. Persuade yourself of its truth and walk blindly on in that assumption. Believe it is real. Believe it is true and it will come to pass. Imagination will not fail you if you dare to assume and persist in your assumption, for imagination will fulfill itself in what your life becomes."

*I think he was referring to Edward Douglas Fawcett who wrote "Divine Imagining" in 1921.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Master Key System, Charles F Haanel

American New Thought author and a businessman Charles Francis Haanel wrote The Master Key System as a mail order course in 1912.
Yes, 1912.
Five years later it was released in book format.

The Master Key System, Charles F Haanel

Years later, Rhonda Byrne quoted Haanel in her bestseller, The Secret.
But you know, sometimes it's best to go right to the source.
Of course I'm not saying that Haanel was new in all of these thoughts.
Some came from centuries before him.
But the Master Key System made such an impact, that in 1919, Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) wrote Charles a letter thanking him for the book.
You can read a copy of this letter here:

And there is the rumor that he was attending Harvard University, Bill Gates discovered and read The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel.
It was this book that inspired Bill Gates to drop out of the University and pursue his dream of "a computer on every desktop."
Now if this is true or not, I have no idea.

Too get you started, here are the first 10 "points" in the first chapter of The Master Key System.
Following them is a link where you can go read the entire book online for free.

1. That much gathers more is true on every plane of existence and that loss leads to greater loss is equally true.

2. Mind is creative, and conditions, environment and all experiences in life are the result of our habitual or predominant mental attitude.

3. The attitude of mind necessarily depends upon what we think. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possession depends upon our method of thinking.

4. This is true because we must "be" before we can "do," and we can "do" only to the extent which we "are," and what we "are" depends upon what we "think."

5. We cannot express powers that we do not possess. The only way by which we may secure possession of power is to become conscious of power, and we can never become conscious of power until we learn that all power is from within.

6. There is a world within – a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and life and beauty and, although invisible, its forces are mighty.

7. The world within is governed by mind. When we discover this world we shall find the solution for every problem, the cause for every effect; and since the world within is subject to our control, all laws of power and possession are also within our control.

8. The world without is a reflection of the world within. What appears without is what has been found within. In the world within may be found infinite Wisdom, infinite Power, infinite Supply of all that is necessary, waiting for unfoldment, development and expression. If we recognize these potentialities in the world within they will take form in the world without.

9. Harmony in the world within will be reflected in the world without by harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, the best of everything. It is the foundation of health and a necessary essential to all greatness, all power, all attainment, all achievement and all success.

10. Harmony in the world within means the ability to control our thoughts, and to determine for ourselves how any experience is to affect us.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Magic of Faith, Joseph Murphy

The Magic of Faith, Joseph Murphy

From The Magic of Faith, by Joseph Murphy.....

When you go to sleep tonight, forgive everyone. And imagine and feel your desire is fulfilled. Be­come absolutely and completely indifferent to all thought of failure, because you now know the law. As you accept the end, you have, as Troward so beautifully stated, willed the means to the real­ization of the end. As you are about to enter sleep, galvanize yourself into the feeling of being or having your desire. Your mental acceptance or your feeling as you go to sleep is the request you make of your Beloved; then She looks at your request (conviction in the subconscious mind), and being the Absolute Lover, she must give you what you asked.

"You feed among the lilies until the day breaks and the shadows flee away." The shadows are fear, doubt, worry, anxiety, and all the reasons why you cannot do something. The shadows of our five senses and race belief hover over the minds of all as we pray.

When you pray, accept as true what your reason and five senses deny and reject. Remain faith­ful to your idea by being full of faith every step of the way. When your consciousness is fully qualified with the acceptance of your desire, all the fear will go away. Trust in the reality of your ideal or desire until you are filled full of the feel­ing of being it; then the day will break and all shadows will flee away. Yes, the answer to your prayer will come, and light up the heavens of your mind bringing you peace.

No matter what the problem is, how acute, dark, or hopeless things seem to be, turn now to God, and say, "How is it in God and Heaven?" The answer will softly steal over your mind like the dew from heaven: "All is peace, joy, bliss, perfection, wholeness, harmony, and beauty"; then reject the evidence of your senses, and feed among the lilies of God and Heaven, such as peace, harmony, joy, and perfection. Realize what is true of God must be true of you and your sur­roundings. Continue in this abiding trust and faith in God "until the day breaks and the shadows flee away."

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