Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Foundation Stone- Imagination, by Neville Goddard

From "The Foundation Stone- Imagination" by Neville Goddard, December 1st, 1959......

The Foundation Stone- Imagination, by Neville Goddard

"We believe that man can create anything he desires. We believe the Universe is infinite response and the one who causes it is the individual perceiver. Nothing is independent of your perception of it. We are so interwoven we are part of the machine, but as we awake we detach ourselves from this machine and make life as we wish it to be. "For man is all Imagination and God is man and exists in us and we in him." "The eternal body of man is the Imagination: that is God himself." You can imagine and I can imagine, and if we can be faithful to the state imagined it must appear in our world. This is not new. This was given centuries ago, for we have it in the Bible; but people do not know how to read the Bible, so they got together and organized it into an "ism." It is not an "ism," but it is the great plan to free man. The Bible shows this plan in detail."

"I say the universe is infinite response, but it also gives back more than you imagine. It is pressed down and running over. Therefore, to be negative can be frightening. The good will come back a thousandfold, but so will the negative. But if I am optimistic and do not waver, I will bring that also pressed down and running over. It is something wonderful; it will come like a gusher. The world responds more than it takes, and it gives to the individual more than he imagines - good or bad."

Read the full lecture here:

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