Wednesday, August 27, 2008

'Nirvanic Conceptualism': Thought-Provoking New Book Reveals the Truth of All Truths

'Nirvanic Conceptualism': Thought-Provoking New Book Reveals the Truth of All Truths

Mankind has been searching for the truth and unifying force since our beginning. That which can not be debated, that which is absolute. Science discovers facts, only to have them become eradicated. Religions and philosophies come and go. We continue still ... but now it's here, the 'Holy Grail' has been found," claims William Edward Dattilio III. In his new book, "Nirvanic Conceptualism" (published by AuthorHouse --, Dattilio shows us what he believes is the truth that we have been looking for since we've walked the Earth. This philosophy, religion, and science is "the unifying force that will rally mankind and lead us to Freedom."{D33C4256-BF86-4F49-96D6-13B7F9F22D6E}&dist=hppr

Interesting you might say, but what does this have to do with actual manifesting?

" Dattilio goes on to explain how the mind controls the "flow" of the universe, because "science, and scientific 'facts' are actually not facts at all, they are just authorities given power by mind that can be overthrown if we desire it and make an effort at it." Using this flow can either make or break a reality. "The more minds towards a reality, the more easily it will be able to manifest. The more minds that block the reality the more difficult it will be to manifest. And if the realities can't be manifested externally, the realities are still real in the Nothingness that is Everything, the internal realms of which we are immortal."

1 comment:

Walt said...

'Nirvanic is nothing new,(Sanskrit)it has been around for thousands of years. And look at the deplorable condition the world is in today.
It is not so easy to change the hearts of men. Love is the key.

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