Thursday, May 3, 2007

Excerpt from "Miracle of Imagination"- by Neville Goddard

Excerpt from "Miracle of Imagination"- by Neville Goddard

Excerpt from "Miracle of Imagination"- by Neville Goddard

Let me now define the technique I want you to employ.

Consciousness is the one and only reality. Therefore, you must form the object of your desire out of your own consciousness.
People have the tendency of slighting the importance of simple things.
The idea of creating a state akin to sleep in order to aid an assumption is so simple it can be slighted, but it is very important.

Scripture gives us this simple formula for changing the future.
The first thing you must do is define your objective.
Then construct an event which you believe would happen after your desire was fulfilled.
Place yourself in the center of this action, knowing you are the predominant one.

Now, immobilize your physical body and induce a state akin to sleep.
Mentally feel yourself right into the proposed action by imagining it is taking place here and now.
You must participate in the imaginary action, not merely stand back and look on.
It is important to feel you are there so that the imaginary sensation is real to you.

Always remember that in the proposed action lies fulfillment.

technorati tags: law of attraction, abraham, imagination, esther hicks, neville goddard, neville, lazy way to success, creativity, tom robbins

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