Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Manifesting Reality - Creative Energy by Joanne C. Rodasta

 Creative Energy
by Joanne C. Rodasta

Energy is Aware

*The way in which energy behaves depends on what the observer expects
to see.

Physicist Max Planck

Physicist Max Planck found that photons (units of light energy) acted
as either particles or as waves, depending on the experimenter's
intent. When a photon is placed in an experiment designed to show that
it acts as a wave, it will. And when the photon is placed in an
experiment designed to show that it acts as a particle, it stops
acting like a wave and starts acting like a particle. In either case,
Planck's intent did not simply interfere with the energy's movement;
instead it dominated what the energy "chose" to do.

Full article here:

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