Tuesday, August 7, 2007

An Inner Conviction, Neville Goddard 03-15-1968,part 2

From: An Inner Conviction, Neville Goddard 03-15-1968

" But I do know that God’s law reflects all the way down to this world of Caesar. I do not know how long it takes for each egg to hatch in a nest, but I do know each one will hatch in its own time. And so it is with an assumption. If I desire to be wealthy, I may not know how long it will take me to reach the conviction that I possess great wealth, but when I feel wealth is mine I have conceived. Conception is my end. The length of time between my desire and its conception depends entirely upon my inner conviction that it is done. A horse takes twelve months, a cow nine months, a chicken twenty-one days, so there are intervals of time; but it comes down to the simple fact that the truth concerning every concept is known by the feeling of its certainty. When you know it, not a thing can disturb your knowingness!

In my own case, as I felt the gangplank under my feet and the salt mist on the rail of the ship in Barbados, the phone rang and passage was mine. There have been other times when it has taken longer. Unfortunately we do not keep an account to see how long it takes to come about after we have done it. But a concept is an egg and remains so until occupied. Occupy your desire! Feel its certainty and you can prophesy its fulfillment."

" But I say to you: everything has its own appointed time. It ripens and will flower. If fulfillment seems long, wait, for it is sure and will not be late. Everything comes on time, but we do not know the time interval because we do not record the conception. In my case, I keep a diary. I check scripture to find out where the passage is that I have experienced and record the date beside it. Now I know the length of time it takes to fulfill scripture. I also know that when it comes to the world of Caesar, I have received confirmation while in the silence. I have exploded right into the now and, having felt the thrill I knew it had to happen, but I did not know when. It could be a day, a week, or a month. Three weeks ago I heard good news for a friend, and today I received confirmation that it was completed. I will not catalog that event to say that particular desire equals all desires, because a desire can be as different as a chicken’s egg is from the egg of an elephant. I do know, however that events of scripture do have definite time periods. Scripture fulfills itself in God’s time, and you cannot delay it or hasten its coming."

technorati tags: law of faith, abraham, esther hicks, imagination, neville, neville goddard, lazy way to success, abraham-hicks, clarity, success


TRCoach said...

I am reading Attractor Factor by Joe Vitale - the chapter I am reading is "Step 4 - Nevillize Your Goal" Interesting to run into your blog and a great quote by Neville. Thanks, Tom(Trcoach)

SabrebIade said...

I hope it helped. I'm a big believer in synchronicity and I love Joe Vitale's stuff.

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