Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Law of Attraction, Part 11

The main reason, in fact, just about the only reason that your desires
do not manifest instantly when you want them to, even as you think
about them, is because of the other thoughts you are also offering. It
all comes down to the balance of your thinking. The Life Force Energy
cannot do anything but follow the thoughts you are having. Offer a
thought concerning the lack of money, and that is what you will get.
Offer a thought concerning an abundance of money, and that is what you
will get. The same applies to love, health, and every aspect of your
life. So when you look at your life and you see a lack of love or
experience a lack of money or experience a lack of health, it has been
the balance of your thinking concerning those subjects that has
created the current circumstances. If it is love that you want more
of, then your life will reflect that want accurately and
proportionately according to the balance of your thinking.

technorati tags: law of attraction ,law attraction ,abraham attraction basics law teachings ,spiritual healing ,secret of law of attraction

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