Sunday, May 31, 2009

Believe It In - Neville Goddard

Believe It In - Neville Goddard

From Neville's lecture "Believe It In" October 6th, 1969......

"First, you must know what you want, then create an image that fulfills it. Would your friends know and talk about it? Imagine they are with you now, discussing your fulfilled desire. You could be at a cocktail or dinner party that is being given in your honor. Or maybe it's a little get-together over tea. Create a scene in your mind's eye and believe its reality in! That invisible state will produce the objective state you desire, for all objective reality is solely produced by imagination.

The clothes you are now wearing were first imagined. The chair in which you are seated, the room that surrounds you - there isn't a thing here that wasn't first imagined; so you can see that imagining creates reality. If you don't believe it, you are lost in a world of confusion.

There is no fiction. What is fiction today will be a fact tomorrow. A book written as a fictional story today comes out of the imagination of the one who wrote it, and will become a fact in the tomorrows. If you have a good memory or a good research system, you could find today's facts. Not every fact is recorded, because not every thought is written; yet every person imagines. A man, feeling wrongfully imprisoned and desiring to get even, will disturb the world, because all things by a law divine in one another's being, mingle. You can't stop the force that comes from one who is imagining, because behind the mask he wears, you and he are one. Start now to become aware of what you are thinking, for as you think, you imagine. Only then can you steer a true course to your definite end. If you lose sight of that end, however, you can and will be moved by seeming others. But if you keep your mind centered in the awareness of dwelling in your destination, you cannot fail.

The end of your journey is where your journey begins. When you tell me what you want, do not try to tell me the means necessary to get it, because neither you nor I know them. Just tell me what you want that I may hear you tell me that you have it. If you try to tell me how your desire is going to be fulfilled, I must first rub that thought out before I can replace it with what you want to be. Man insists on talking about his problems. He seems to enjoy recounting them and cannot believe that all he needs to do is state his desire clearly. If you believe that imagination creates reality, you will never allow yourself to dwell on your problems, for you will realize that as you do you perpetuate them all the more.

So I tell you: the greatest thing you can do is to believe a thing into existence, just as our founding fathers did. They had no current example of democracy. It existed in Greece centuries ago, but failed because the Greeks changed their imaginal activity. We could do that too. Don't think for one second we have to continue as a democracy. We could be under dictatorship within twenty-four hours, for everything is possible. If you like democracy, you must be constantly watchful to keep its concepts alive within you. It's the most difficult form of government. A man can voice an opinion and stage a protest here, but in other forms of government he cannot. If you want to enjoy the freedom of a democracy, you must keep it alive by being aware of it.

Now, if you keep this law, you don't have to broadcast what you want; you simply assume that you have it, for - although your reasonable mind and outer senses deny it - if you persist in your assumption your desire will become your reality. There is no limit to your power of belief, and all things are possible to him who believes. Just imagine what an enormous power that is. You don't have to be nice, good, or wise, for anything is possible to you when you believe that what you are imagining is true. That is the way to success."

I have read "The Secret" and a ton of other books on LOA, but Neville and Joseph Murphy really seem to define things down to a basic idea for me.
That is why I quote them so much here.
They say it way better than I ever could.

The truth really is out there.
But you have to find the truth that works for you.
Read Goddard, Murphy, Allen, Wattles, Dyer, Tolle, Hicks and others and see for yourself what works best for you.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Supreme Mastery of Fear by Joseph Murphy

Supreme Mastery of Fear by Joseph Murphy

From: Supreme Mastery of Fear by Joseph Murphy....

Who is your Lord and master this very moment?

Your Lord is your predominant, mental attitude; it is your conviction or belief about yourself, people, and things; this Lord can be a tyrant. For example, if your mood is now one of resentment, that is your Lord or tyrant that governs all of your actions and all phases of your life. If you want to invest some money, buy a new home, or some property, while in this attitude, you will do the wrong thing and say the wrong thing, because your predominant mood is negative. The law is: "As within, so without." You are fearing your good, and you would react negatively. Fear is a lack of faith or trust in God, which is a denial of His Omnipotence.

"The Lord is my light and my salvation." The Lord" referred to is the Lord God, or the law of God or good. To put the law of good into operation, -thereby banishing fear once and for all, -enthrone in your mind the thoughts of power, courage, and confidence. These thoughts will generate a corresponding mood or feeling, which will banish the arch enemy of your success and health.

- Joseph Murphy

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Faith in God - Neville Goddard

Faith in God - Neville Goddard

From Faith in God.....

"Omnipresent, God is alive in you now, so I ask you to test Him. Would you like a better job? Greater income? Greater recognition? What would you do right now if it were true? Now test God by thinking of a friend. Hear him congratulate you on your good fortune. See his face light up with joy and feel his presence. Do that, and you have performed a magical act, for God has acted and all things are possible to God.

You do not have to devise the means necessary to make your imaginal act come to pass. He who thought of the friend and saw the whole thing will build a bridge of incident across which you will move to the fulfillment of that which has been done. That is Christ!"

Neville Goddard

Thursday, May 21, 2009

FREE Manifestation Stuff

I get so tired of people saying they have the secret to the Law of Attraction and then wanting to charge me $100 dollars and up to tell me about it.
If you are so concerned about your fellow man, just tell him!
If your manifesting technique works so well, you don't need to charge for it do you?
Just manifest more money.

Sure I run ads on here, but that is your choice to look at them or not.
I have never and will never charge for anything on this blog that I might think will help someone.
Just once I'd love to see someone say "Look, I have a law of attraction system that works. I'll GIVE it to you, and when the money rolls in, THEN you can pay me what you think it's worth."

So since it is better to light a candle than curse the darkness, here are three really good FREE things you can read online at no charge.

The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles
You can read the whole book online here:

As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
You can read the whole book online here:

The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel
You can read all the lessons plus some of them even have an audio track which I really like.
To go past a certain point you have to register, but that is free also.

And I know I have mentioned this before, but you can read all of Neville Goddard's lectures online for free as well here:

I apologize about the rant.
But sometimes no matter how hard I try, these things get to me.
I know I shouldn't let it bother me.
No telling how many laws that violates.
But there are a lot of people out there trying to do good, and these other people just give them a bad name.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Voodoo and the Mind Body Connection

Voodoo and the Mind Body Connection

Why am I posting a link to an article about Voodoo on a manifesting blog?
Well read the article and I think you'll understand why.
"What you think is what you are" is a driving force in manifesting.
If you look, massive amounts of will are not required to make you sick.
Just belief.
So turn that around and just belief can make you well right?
You think you are sick and you become sick.
You think you are well and you become well.

Anyway, read the article and think about it.
You can read the full article here

Monday, May 11, 2009

Test Yourselves - Neville Goddard

Test Yourselves - Neville Goddard

I read this today and the words really jumped out at me.
I don't know if this is meant for me, or someone else to read but here it is.

It's the first part of Neville's lecture titled "Test Yourselves"....

"Faith is not complete until through experiment it becomes experience. God's promise cannot be tested. It cannot be earned, for it is given by grace. But your faith will be increased when you experiment, when you test God's law. It is easier to accept the Christian faith than to live by it, but you must live by it for your faith to grow'

In his 2nd letter to the Corinthians, Paul is speaking to the whole world when he says: "Examine yourselves to see if you are holding to the faith. Test yourselves' Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? - unless of course you fail to meet the test. I hope you will discover that we have not failed."

Now, in the earliest gospel, the Gospel of Mark, we find these words: "The time is fulfilled and the kingdom of heaven is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel." The word "repent" means "a radical change of attitude (of thinking) towards anything that you either dislike or want to change." A radical change on your part will produce a corresponding change in your outer world. So now you are urged to examine yourself to see whether you are holding to the faith. Are you accepting as facts the headlines you see in the paper? The telephone call you just received' The morning's mail or the news on TV which suggest unlovely, horrible things to you? A friend calls, and pouring out all the bilge in the world tells you how bad things are and how they are destined to get worse. As you listen, their woes enter and are assumed by you. Now, if you understand this law that imaging creates reality, you should, like a computer, choose what you are going to allow to enter. And when the conversation is finished and your friend's voice is still fresh and clear in your ear, hear her changed words, the changed tone of her voice, and feel the joy emitted there."

Note what I have highlighted.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Will Obama use “The Secret” to fix the economy? | Liberty Cap Press

Will Obama use “The Secret” to fix the economy? | Liberty Cap Press:

"So Barack Obama has apparently been reading a book called Animal Spirits by Robert Shiller, about how human psychology affects economics. And according to this propaganda piece from the Financial Times, this book has inspired Obama to approach the economic issues wholly psychologically. Just as The Secret teaches that you can create personal wealth and success just by thinking positively, Obama is going to try to do the same thing on a macroeconomic scale."

Saturday, May 2, 2009

How to Manifest Reality, Part Four

We have been over Dattatreya Siva Baba's manifesting techniques before, but let's lay them out again.

First, Dattatreya says that you cant get money if you have bad money karma.
So to dissolve this bad money karma you do the karma busting mantra "Thiru Neela Kantam".
Well that one has been supplemented, or replaced, with a new one, "Maakaral Shivaaya Nama".

Once you are working on getting rid of your karma, you can use the power words "Shreem" and/or "Kleem".
You can even add Dattatreya's name into it like " Om Shreem Dattatreya Siva Baba", or " Om Kleem Dattatreya Siva Baba".
(Note: Kleem is used more for attracting relationships. But when used with Shreem, it may attract relationships that are financially beneficial)

I have read several really good testimonials for using "Shreem". You can see several on YouTube.

"Om Brzee Namaha" is another mantra to fix finances that Dattatreya Siva Baba advises

Now Dattatreya Siva Baba has a lot more techniques for attracting, and you can read about a lot of them at his website
Or you can go to his YouTube channel and hear him tell you how to use these techniques.

And also, I've mentioned before that Mathina Maideen has a lot of videos on her channel that help with doing the daily mantras.
You can see her channel here:

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